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aretrace created a comment on a pull request on facebook/stylex
# @nmn 🙌 🙌 🙌 plz keep us updated, and thank you 🥲
nonzzz created a comment on a pull request on facebook/stylex
Because the development was not synchronized in time, the history of this PR carries a lot of unnecessary noise. I think creating a new PR will be clearer, and as you said, we need clarify by @nmn
aminaopio created a comment on a pull request on facebook/stylex
> @aminaopio Should be closed and create a new one .I have synchronized some of the playground work to the last commit of the main branch. I believe Naman wanted us to base it off of better-play...
nonzzz created a comment on a pull request on facebook/stylex
@aminaopio Should be closed and create a new one .I have synchronized some of the playground work to the last commit of the main branch.
aminaopio created a comment on a pull request on facebook/stylex
> I do some change and pretty your commit in my local and put it at [cleaned]( you can view and check my branch and invite me as the collaborator....
nonzzz created a comment on a pull request on facebook/stylex
And i check the lint rule it not outdated.
nonzzz created a comment on a pull request on facebook/stylex
I do some change and pretty your commit in my local and put it at [cleaned]( you can view and check my branch and invite me as the collaborator.( ...
aminaopio created a comment on a pull request on facebook/stylex
Yeah I can do that, just let me know!
nonzzz created a comment on a pull request on facebook/stylex
wait. I'll check your work at my local. If everything goes as expected, will you invite me to be a collaborator?
aminaopio created a comment on a pull request on facebook/stylex
@nmn Sorry this took so long. I fixed a majority of the lint errors, but the remaining ones are caused by the pseudo elements. I think the version of the ESLint plugin that we're using is outda...
nmn created a comment on a pull request on facebook/stylex
@nonzzz is correct. All the relevant changes for this PR are for the website that doesn't use types or tests. So none of the signals should be red once your PR is clean.
nmn pushed 1 commit to main facebook/stylex
- Feat: Using `@dual-bundle/import-meta-resolve` replace `esm-resolve` (#824) * chore: using dual import-meta-resolve ... edc9b2a