
Browse the timeline of events for every public repo on GitHub. Data updated hourly from GH Archive.


sukazavr starred githubnext/vitale
sukazavr starred guardrails-ai/guardrails
sukazavr starred porsager/postgres
sukazavr starred gephi/gephi-lite
sukazavr created a comment on an issue on Effect-TS/effect As per node.js documentation: The specifier of an import statement is the string after the from keyword, e.g. 'path' in import {...

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sukazavr opened an issue on Effect-TS/effect
Migrator.fromFileSystem fails on Windows under `moduleResolution:bundler` option in tsconfig.json
### What version of Effect is running? _No response_ ### What steps can reproduce the bug? Run `packages/sql-mssql/examples/` on Windows 10 Use `bundler` in `tsconfig.json` ``` "compilerOpti...
sukazavr starred jessekelly881/zenstack-effect
sukazavr starred SkipLabs/skip
sukazavr starred tsconfig/bases
sukazavr starred needim/
sukazavr starred ccntrq/git-jira-branch
sukazavr starred synthql/SynthQL
sukazavr starred triggerdotdev/jsonhero-web
sukazavr starred reaviz/reaflow
sukazavr starred RebeccaStevens/effect-uom
sukazavr starred greeny/SatisfactoryTools
sukazavr starred RebeccaStevens/satisfactory-power-tools
sukazavr starred didier/llmctx
sukazavr starred aspen-cloud/triplit
sukazavr starred get-convex/convex-saas
sukazavr starred ryanleecode/full-stack-effect