In (which is unreleased), I implemented merging rows with invalid signs in CollapsingMergeTree. However, I missed an (undocumented) implementatio...
> To collect the feedback, the PR [#75087]( needed two rebase/merge-master today to solve the issue that normally wouldn't be there
Please elabo...
This means we won't be able to select to use the merge commit for specific PRs if required, right? That's a pity
How come we could use it before without inconsistencies? Or we had them, but did ne...
This means we won't be able to select to use the merge commit for specific PRs if required, right? That's a pity
How come we could use it before without inconsistencies? Or we had them, but did ne...
I've still seen some instances where this test fails. Very rare, but still. From the log:
zstdgrep -ina "QueryMetricLog" clickhouse-server5.log.zst | grep -i "test_lpzezq5e_1000"
You're right. I can't see any way a `Poco::MD5Engine` takes a `Poco::FIleInputStream`. I don't know if I misread when I wrote the comment or I assumed it would exist :roll_eyes:
This should probably be a `LOGICAL_ERROR`, but if you really want to use `assert` here and in other places, you'd rather use `chassert` which reports much nicer