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mhofman pushed 1 commit to mhofman/p2p-recv-msg-routine agoric-labs/cometbft
- Some more clarifications b3d807a
mhofman created a review comment on a pull request on agoric-labs/cometbft
I wanted to avoid changing the name of the original routine to keep future conflict resolution to a minimum, but maybe that's a misplaced hope
mhofman created a review on a pull request on Agoric/agoric-sdk
This looks fine by me. Any reason it's still draft?
mhofman created a review comment on a pull request on agoric-labs/cometbft
The producer for this channel is `recvRoutine`. I admit we could be better at names here
mhofman created a review comment on a pull request on agoric-labs/cometbft
routine shutdown
mhofman created a review comment on a pull request on Agoric/agoric-sdk
I would avoid mucking with the versions here, and leave the previously auto-incremented one even if it wasn't published.
mhofman pushed 2 commits to mhofman/pick-gov4-u18-change Agoric/agoric-sdk
mhofman opened a pull request on Agoric/agoric-sdk
Cherry-pick u18 branch a3p test change
refs: #10460 ## Description Cherry picks back into master as that is the more correct test (addr...mhofman created a branch on Agoric/agoric-sdk
mhofman/pick-gov4-u18-change - monorepo for the Agoric Javascript smart contract platform