In this case, the swing-store upgrade can be performed (gather the list of promises to notify rejections), then the controller built and the left over work executed, then the injected events from t...
`enumeratePromisesByDecider` can be a generator function that iterates the entries and only yields the kpid. Or we can use iterator helpers' map when that is more broadly supported
There actually should a smaller memory pressure with the iterators, since only the current entry is ever allocated, where for the array we temporarily have to allocate all entries.
> * it fails to send an `AG_COSMOS_INIT`), then we'll get corrupted kernel state
There is always an init event (it happens for every restart). The event has flags indicating whether it's a conse...
I am not the biggest fan of the kernel adding things to the run queue arbitrarily like this.
At upgrade time we may actually be in the middle of a run, and the reactions to these notifies will b...
I have not yet reviewed the test for the mitigation.
I am not a fan of the revert to using `assert`. The lack of control flow type inference from TS is unfortunate, but it's not always clear tha...
I have not yet reviewed the test for the mitigation.
I am not a fan of the revert to using `assert`. The lack of control flow type inference from TS is unfortunate, but it's not always clear tha...
Nice optimization, I had a feeling something better could be done here. That said I'm not sure how often the `priorKey` would really be different than `priorKeyReturned`.
It still feels a little...
## Describe the bug
We have different ways of comparing strings, none of which are "correct". Now that's we've updated to a version of endo with, we can ...
Also I just remembered that any new events need to be added to the otel slog sender to avoid the problem of #8272/#9569 (which we likely should fix while we're at it).
> I'd add `owner` to the bridge-inbound records, that's one of the things I've needed to extract from the delivery to add to `details` fields (like identifying which oracle is submitting a PushPric...
FYI, here is what @warner 's classification tool does to look ahead (and add extra info on the nature of the bridge inbound): https://git...
## What is the Problem Being Solved?
Timer polls and install bundles generate swingset runs (possibly empty), but unlike "bridge" and "deliver" (mailbox) triggers, we do not record a trigger eve...
Thanks for addressing the feedback so far. Some more refactoring suggestions. I also really want us to figure out this timestamp issue as I'd like to be able to upload old slogs to GCP with the ori...
Thanks for addressing the feedback so far. Some more refactoring suggestions. I also really want us to figure out this timestamp issue as I'd like to be able to upload old slogs to GCP with the ori...
What we really want here is to detect any issue (with the contract or with the orchestration framework itself) when an upgrade could happen, aka when external messages come in from outside swingset...