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kmitcham created a comment on a pull request on aics-int/aics-file-upload-app
The screen shot looks like it says multifile, and I thought I saw another PR saying we were changing the user-facing version of those sorts of files to 'Chunked File'
kmitcham created a review comment on a pull request on aics-int/aics-file-upload-app
Isnt multifile getting renamed 'chunked file' by the higher-ups?
kmitcham created a review comment on a pull request on AllenInstitute/biofile-finder
aww, no injection attacks? But what if scientists want to mark an image ";Drop tables;":True?
kmitcham created a comment on a pull request on AllenInstitute/biofile-finder
We might want to try again to get a (monthly| after 5 new annotations|some other period) meeting for people who want to govern the annotation list. Or a least a report of the existing annotations?
kmitcham created a review on a pull request on aics-int/aics-file-upload-app
Does BFF have flag for this that needs to get updated?
kmitcham created a comment on an issue on bioio-devs/bioio
Looks like the future makes the problem go away, if only we could reach the future: `====================================================================================================== 219 passe...
kmitcham pushed 2 commits to main bioio-devs/bioio
kmitcham closed a pull request on bioio-devs/bioio
restict ngff-zarr to prevent errors in Ubuntu 18
### (resolved before issue created) Chantelle was encountering issues with bioio writer imports when using latest versions of bio. We eventually traced the issue to Ubuntu 18 having issues with n...kmitcham opened a pull request on bioio-devs/bioio
restict ngff-zarr to prevent errors in Ubuntu 18
### Link to Relevant Issue Chantelle was encountering issues with bioio writer imports when using latest versions of bio. We eventually traced the issue to Ubuntu 18 having issues with ngff-zarr>...kmitcham pushed 1 commit to bugfix/dependency-issues bioio-devs/bioio
- restict ngff-zarr to prevent errors in Ubuntu 18 02113e1
kmitcham created a branch on bioio-devs/bioio
bugfix/dependency-issues - Image reading, metadata management, and image writing for Microscopy images in Python