
Browse the timeline of events for every public repo on GitHub. Data updated hourly from GH Archive.


gernophil created a comment on an issue on kaixxx/noScribe
There are no real plans to do this right now. I have no experience on distributing via homebrew. Could you provide some good resources on this topic?

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gernophil pushed 1 commit to v0-6-prepare kaixxx/noScribe

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gernophil pushed 1 commit to v0-6-prepare kaixxx/noScribe
  • updated macOS requirements and split by arch 83bb11c

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gernophil created a comment on an issue on igvteam/igv.js
Hey, sorry that I left this open and unanswered for so long. In the end it turned out I really was using a too old version (3.0.0). Wasn't aware of that. Shame on me. I now switched to 3.1.3 and ev...

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gernophil closed an issue on igvteam/igv.js
Annotation track not showing, if locus is set
According to the docs (and what I've tried) this is only available for GFF3s. Unfortunately, I have to use a GTF file. Would be great, if this could be implemented. Alternatively, `colorBy` could a...
gernophil created a comment on an issue on OpenNMT/CTranslate2
Haven't tried my luck yet. I am still trying to figure out a good way without installing MKL globally. Do you happen to know, if I need MKL at all for Ctranslate2 or Dino maybe only need need to co...

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gernophil created a comment on an issue on OpenNMT/CTranslate2
Seems like MKL and OneDNN are available via conda. I'll try that first to make sure none of them set any system wide parameters, since Ia m working on an arm64 machine and only need the x86_64 pack...

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gernophil created a comment on an issue on OpenNMT/CTranslate2
Thanks for the help. Do you know if this will install the intel MKL package and the OneDNN globally? For OneDNN is doesn't look like, but for MKL I am not sure. And from what wd would I need to e...

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