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yujing-student pushed 1 commit to Fix/intro-section-margin-padding lisagjh/voorhoede
- Change:Remove unnessary media query 73df965
yujing-student created a review on a pull request on lisagjh/voorhoede
The code is clear and readable and meets our code conventions. In opera the website looks still great on windows 7. ![image](
yujing-student pushed 1 commit to Fix/173-keyboard-issues lisagjh/voorhoede
- trying to fix h1 screenreader ee0b0b1
yujing-student pushed 1 commit to Fix/173-keyboard-issues lisagjh/voorhoede
- try to solve it is still not working 83b6cfc
yujing-student created a comment on an issue on fdnd-agency/voorhoede
Leden is regonised but not pronounced completely but letter by letter when i use the keyboard
yujing-student pushed 1 commit to 221-refactor-this-with-promiseall-making-it-more-concise lisagjh/voorhoede
- refactor:remove unnessary code f58c646
yujing-student opened a pull request on lisagjh/voorhoede
221 refactor this with promiseall making it more concise and refactor the server.js on the homepage
<h1>What does this change</h1> With this issue I have fix and I change the let to const...yujing-student created a comment on an issue on fdnd-agency/voorhoede
<h1>Solved</h1> The [server.js]( has now overall const instead of le...
yujing-student created a comment on an issue on fdnd-agency/voorhoede
In this [commit ]( can see the changes.
yujing-student created a comment on an issue on fdnd-agency/voorhoede
<h1>solved</h1> Here is the new version I use a promiss.all for fetching the data I create a constant variable that is assigned to a function. Within the function, I utilize parameters as argume...
yujing-student pushed 3 commits to 221-refactor-this-with-promiseall-making-it-more-concise lisagjh/voorhoede
- use the promise.all for refactoring b5b0f06
- Fix I made 3 seperate functions for agencymap and data with the a... af61715
- Fix : I change the code and i have now 3 functions instead of 1 lo... c4ce4e9
yujing-student pushed 1 commit to 221-refactor-this-with-promiseall-making-it-more-concise lisagjh/voorhoede
- Fix and on th... 4afc926
yujing-student pushed 1 commit to 221-refactor-this-with-promiseall-making-it-more-concise lisagjh/voorhoede
- change let to const on page.server.js 3700368
yujing-student created a branch on lisagjh/voorhoede
yujing-student created a comment on an issue on fdnd-agency/voorhoede
<h1>solved</h1> I Fixed this in this [commit ]( and change the classname where I don't use Flexbox. <img width...
yujing-student created a comment on an issue on fdnd-agency/voorhoede
<h1>Solved</h1> I removed the h2 and make the h3 members a h2 for semantic html in this [commit ]( https://g...
yujing-student pushed 1 commit to 229-issue-members-page lisagjh/voorhoede
- Change: Hiring is under werknemers and I added a text overflow on the cards for a too long title and the cards have e... b1f253c
yujing-student opened a draft pull request on lisagjh/voorhoede
Fix/intro section margin padding
<h1>What does this change</h1> With this issue I have fix I change the padding and the margin on the `intro.section.svelte` and I used a m...yujing-student pushed 1 commit to Fix/intro-section-margin-padding lisagjh/voorhoede
- Refactor:remove unnessary commented code on the global.css 6e7b3aa
yujing-student opened a draft pull request on lisagjh/voorhoede
Remove Subcribe button and change it to the button component
<h1>What does this change</h1> With this issue I have fix and issue I removed the `Subs...yujing-student pushed 1 commit to 230-textarea-is-double-form-issues lisagjh/voorhoede
- change Error to error this was a unnessary chang 785083d
yujing-student pushed 1 commit to 230-textarea-is-double-form-issues lisagjh/voorhoede
- refactor: remove unused subscribe button component 6a9d134
yujing-student pushed 1 commit to 230-textarea-is-double-form-issues lisagjh/voorhoede
- Refactor: use prettier for ocde indenting 871f162