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wpb52 created a comment on an issue on evcc-io/evcc
Den Hersteller stellen wir erst mal nach hinten, da fehlen mMn. belastbare, reproduzierbare Fehlerbilder. Ich werde also im 1. Schritt evcc stoppen, dann das template pulsarplus-fw5 testen... ...

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wpb52 created a comment on an issue on evcc-io/evcc
The power (A) is measured parallel to the delayed evcc display.

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wpb52 created a comment on an issue on evcc-io/evcc
Excuse my short way to **_Kepner Tregoe_** solving a problem. The main question there is: when does it work - and when does it NOT work. This is shown above in series B - A. All tests are done...

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wpb52 created a comment on an issue on evcc-io/evcc
_Why do you have a minpv current of 16A?_ this is my question: Why do I have 16A instead of 6A in Seires A and why does it work in series B korrectly. _metervalues_ it was recommended to use t...

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wpb52 created a comment on an issue on evcc-io/evcc
Here is the log. Test started 16:05 LondonTime. [2025.01.06 16h05 evcc.log](

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wpb52 opened an issue on evcc-io/evcc
BMW, PulsarPlus - MinPV mit max. Leistung
### Describe the bug Ich habe 2 Testreihen durchgeführt und einen Fehler und ein Workarround gefunden. Ziel ist es `Min+PV` ein zu stellen. `Min+PV` nach `Aus `funktioniert nicht, es wird immer m...