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tyler-foster closed an issue on aics-int/aics-file-upload-app
Update UI for for local upload toggle.
The current UI ![screenshot_2024-10-10_at_2 05 49___pm_480]( VS what we want: changing the check to a toggle since...tyler-foster created a review comment on a pull request on simularium/simularium-website
Thanks, I sort of it get it now. Does there come a point where we eschew the ant buttons altogether and just roll our own from scratch 🤔 ? I'd be curious as to when the team would consider that ...
tyler-foster created a comment on an issue on aics-int/aics-file-upload-app
Following a rather unsuccessful attempt at demo'ing existing multifile support to Chantelle (and Jackie / Peyton), Chris and I decided it would probably be a good idea to spend a few days focusing ...
tyler-foster created a review comment on a pull request on aics-int/aics-file-upload-app
The majority of the code in this file is from ye olde [`<UploadWithTemplatePage />`](
tyler-foster pushed 1 commit to feature/FUA-98_update_upload_flow_rebase aics-int/aics-file-upload-app
- [FUA-98] Address minor commented TODOs f2e279d
tyler-foster pushed 1 commit to feature/FUA-98_update_upload_flow_rebase aics-int/aics-file-upload-app
- [FUA-98] Add comment and tests for handleFileSelection() 8819b93
tyler-foster created a review comment on a pull request on simularium/simularium-website
Yeesh. Which brand of CSS magic does this triple ampersand belong to? Does this mean "parent-parent-parent"..?
tyler-foster created a review comment on a pull request on simularium/simularium-website
Too lazy to check this myself - is this enum used anywhere beyond the `CustomButton` component props? If not, would it be the right idea to just export it from `CustomButton`? That's what I would d...
tyler-foster created a review comment on a pull request on simularium/simularium-website
Are lines 60 and 61 here still necessary?
tyler-foster created a review on a pull request on simularium/simularium-website
Smells reasonable to me! Left some minor comments. Not sure I'm up to speed with the latest CSS technology.
tyler-foster created a review on a pull request on simularium/simularium-website
Smells reasonable to me! Left some minor comments. Not sure I'm up to speed with the latest CSS technology.
tyler-foster opened a pull request on aics-int/aics-file-upload-app
[FUA-98] Rework upload flow
### Context Following a rather unsuccessful attempt at demo'ing existing multifile support to Chantelle (and Jackie / Peyton), Chris and I decided it would probably be a good idea to spend a few...tyler-foster pushed 1 commit to feature/FUA-98_update_upload_flow_rebase aics-int/aics-file-upload-app
- [FUA-98] Fix <table /> HTML structure in <SelectedFilesList /> (oops) 931ab32
tyler-foster pushed 1 commit to feature/FUA-98_update_upload_flow_rebase aics-int/aics-file-upload-app
- [FUA-98] Move `UploadType` type declarations to account for circular dependency issues 4171433
tyler-foster pushed 1 commit to feature/FUA-98_update_upload_flow_rebase aics-int/aics-file-upload-app
- [FUA-98] Fix linting issues 0db0146
tyler-foster pushed 2 commits to feature/FUA-98_update_upload_flow_rebase aics-int/aics-file-upload-app
tyler-foster created a branch on aics-int/aics-file-upload-app
feature/FUA-98_update_upload_flow_rebase - A desktop client for uploading file and file metadata to the Allen Institute for Cell Science's internal file management system (FMS).
tyler-foster pushed 2 commits to feature/FUA-98_update_upload_flow_to_make_multifiles_explicit aics-int/aics-file-upload-app
tyler-foster pushed 1 commit to feature/FUA-98_update_upload_flow_to_make_multifiles_explicit aics-int/aics-file-upload-app
- [FUA-98] Use "UploadType" value instead of "determineIsMultifile()" function for multifile uploads b570df3
tyler-foster pushed 4 commits to feature/FUA-98_update_upload_flow_to_make_multifiles_explicit aics-int/aics-file-upload-app
tyler-foster pushed 9 commits to feature/FUA-98_update_upload_flow_to_make_multifiles_explicit aics-int/aics-file-upload-app
- [FUA-98] Fix double-colon in .pcss file 8d9e58c
- [FUA-98] Update loadFilesLogic to expect UploadTypes; 4ba0b28
- [FUA-98] Add list of selected files below DragAndDrop zone fe9da8b
- [FUA-98] Add SelectionPage footer e7f5eb7
- [FUA-98] Add "AddMetadataPage" fc5f231
- [FUA-98] Turn <PageFooter> into a wrapper 3fdf822
- [FUA-98] More button bar / footer styling 004840b
- [FUA-98] Style "Upload Type" radio button 2c006ba
- [FUA-98] Clean up styling on UploadSelectionPage f05efa7
tyler-foster created a branch on aics-int/aics-file-upload-app
feature/FUA-98_update_upload_flow_to_make_multifiles_explicit - A desktop client for uploading file and file metadata to the Allen Institute for Cell Science's internal file management system (FMS).
tyler-foster created a branch on aics-int/aics-file-upload-app
feature/FUA-98_pre-ux-prototype-delete-later - A desktop client for uploading file and file metadata to the Allen Institute for Cell Science's internal file management system (FMS).
tyler-foster pushed 1 commit to feature/update_electron_devtools aics-int/aics-file-upload-app
- Use webUtils to get absolute paths of drag-and-dropped files 83b0e26
tyler-foster created a branch on aics-int/aics-file-upload-app
feature/update_electron_devtools - A desktop client for uploading file and file metadata to the Allen Institute for Cell Science's internal file management system (FMS).