
Browse the timeline of events for every public repo on GitHub. Data updated hourly from GH Archive.


thecodergus starred AbdBarho/stable-diffusion-webui-docker
thecodergus pushed 1 commit to main thecodergus/stabble-diffusion-ui
  • Melhorando o docker compose 2fc0391

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thecodergus pushed 0 commits to main thecodergus/stabble-diffusion-ui

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thecodergus pushed 2 commits to main thecodergus/stabble-diffusion-ui

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thecodergus pushed 2 commits to main thecodergus/stabble-diffusion-ui
  • Adicionando os arquivos base do projeto do ui 47afbf9
  • Salvando o que fiz até aqui a85eb85

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thecodergus created a branch on thecodergus/stabble-diffusion-ui


thecodergus starred hiyouga/LLaMA-Factory
thecodergus starred jayrodge/Multimodal-RAG-with-Llama-3.2
thecodergus starred Cinnamon/kotaemon
thecodergus pushed 2 commits to main thecodergus/grafo-monitoria
  • Adicionando versão do codigo na linguagem de programação C pra ajudar a galera que consulta meu github 49b93e0
  • Sem main 199da02

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thecodergus created a comment on an issue on docker/genai-stack
> To resolve this issue open docker-compose.yaml file then edit database service by changing the volumes section as below > > ``` > volumes: > - ./data:/data > ``` Here this solution didn't...

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thecodergus starred docker/genai-stack
thecodergus starred deepset-ai/haystack
thecodergus starred run-llama/llama_index
thecodergus starred FunAudioLLM/CosyVoice
thecodergus starred hyperledger/besu
thecodergus starred AbdBarho/stable-diffusion-webui-docker
thecodergus starred neuralchen/SimSwap
thecodergus starred neuralchen/SimSwap
thecodergus starred iperov/DeepFaceLive
thecodergus starred diku-dk/futhark
thecodergus starred CelVoxes/thinkR
thecodergus starred bklieger-groq/g1
thecodergus starred SimpleBerry/LLaMA-O1
thecodergus starred nexus-xyz/nexus-zkvm
thecodergus starred DS4SD/docling
thecodergus starred 0xPlaygrounds/rig
thecodergus starred soxoj/maigret
thecodergus starred langflow-ai/langflow
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