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stibu81 pushed 2 commits to main stibu81/ibawds
stibu81 pushed 1 commit to main stibu81/ibawds
- install language de_CH in github actions to make spell check tests work 2fd5ec1
stibu81 pushed 7 commits to main stibu81/ibawds
- fix bugs in spell_check_slides() 7622902
- add tests for spell_check_slides() fce40fb
- make check_url() more robust by using GET when HEAD fails 6d1840c
- add check_links_in_file() d8be2fa
- fix bug in extract_urls() 51d3b77
- handle urls followed by punctuation in extract_urls() 78fa3f7
- add check_links_in_slides() 21bcc23
stibu81 pushed 2 commits to main stibu81/ibawds
stibu81 pushed 3 commits to main stibu81/ibawds
stibu81 created a comment on an issue on stuartlangridge/ColourPicker
I had the same problem on Ubuntu 24.04. [This post]( solved my problem: ``` sudo rm /var/cache/fontconfig/* ...
stibu81 pushed 3 commits to main stibu81/simpleTaxonomy
stibu81 created a comment on an issue on rstudio/renv
Explicitly specifying the branch when installing with pak did not help. But the new commit seems to solve the problem. Thanks!
stibu81 created a comment on an issue on rstudio/renv
I just wanted to point out that the issue also exists on Ubuntu. I have this problem with a package of my own and renv itself (which I installed from GitHub): ```r renv::update() #> - Checking for...
stibu81 pushed 1 commit to main stibu81/simpleTaxonomy
- allow language selection in get_wikipedia_image_urls() cfcf904