Browse the timeline of events for every public repo on GitHub. Data updated hourly from GH Archive.
sipsorcery opened a pull request on sipsorcery-org/sipsorcery
Adjustments for ffmpeg file processing fixes.
sipsorcery created a branch on sipsorcery-org/sipsorcery
ffmpeg-fixes - A WebRTC, SIP and VoIP library for C# and .NET. Designed for real-time communications apps.
sipsorcery pushed 1 commit to mp4-fixes2 sipsorcery-org/SIPSorceryMedia.FFmpeg
- Added transcode examples. 15df6af
sipsorcery created a comment on an issue on sipsorcery-org/SIPSorceryMedia.FFmpeg
What version of FFmpeg do you have installed? Most initialisation exceptions are caused by a version mismatch between the C# autogen package and the installed FFmpeg version. It should be [version ...
sipsorcery created a comment on an issue on sipsorcery-org/sipsorcery
Will fix in the SIPSorceryMeida.FFmpeg repo.
sipsorcery created a tag on nofrixion/moneymoov-dotnet
hotfix-modulr-sync2 - .NET Core SDK for NoFrixion's MoneyMoov API
sipsorcery created a tag on nofrixion/moneymoov-dotnet
hotfix-modulr-sync - .NET Core SDK for NoFrixion's MoneyMoov API
sipsorcery opened a pull request on bitcoin-core/guix.sigs
Add attestations by sipsorcery for 28.1 codesigned
sipsorcery created a branch on sipsorcery/guix.sigs
28.1-codesigned - Bitcoin Core release attestations (Guix)
sipsorcery created a comment on an issue on sipsorcery-org/sipsorcery
```` [21:57:23 DBG] FFmpeg file source decoder aac audio codec for stream 0. [SWR @ 000001ee047cc000] Input channel layout "" is invalid or unsupported. [21:57:23 DBG] Disposing of FFmpegAudioDe...
sipsorcery opened a pull request on bitcoin-core/guix.sigs
Add attestations by sipsorcery for 28.1 non-codesigned
sipsorcery created a branch on sipsorcery/guix.sigs
28.1-noncodesigned - Bitcoin Core release attestations (Guix)
sipsorcery pushed 39 commits to main sipsorcery/guix.sigs
- Add attestations by sipsorcery for 28.1rc2 codesigned c774337
- 28.1rc2 kvaciral all ed087f2
- Merge pull request #1474 from Kvaciral/28.1rc2-attestations-all 28.1rc2 kvaciral all 40b1571
- Merge pull request #1473 from sipsorcery/28.1rc2-codesigned Add attestations by sipsorcery for 28.1rc2 codesigned 4c5b9fd
- Add attestations by guggero for 28.1rc2 codesigned bd9f0bb
- Add TheCharlatan v28.1rc2 all 7d8083d
- Add attestation by svanstaa for 28.1rc1 codesigned and non-codesigned 1e80763
- Merge pull request #1475 from guggero/guggero-28.1rc2-signed Add attestations by guggero for 28.1rc2 codesigned c5f01c9
- Merge pull request #1476 from TheCharlatan/28.1rc2-all Add TheCharlatan v28.1rc2 all 4e0b7b2
- Merge pull request #1477 from svanstaa/main Add attestation by svanstaa for 28.1rc2 codesigned and non-codesigned 354f386
- pinheadmz 28.1rc2 all 20a5534
- glozow attestations v28.1rc2 noncodesigned and all 5877418
- Merge pull request #1478 from pinheadmz/28.1rc2-all pinheadmz 28.1rc2 all 1a06008
- Add attestations by hebasto for 28.1rc2 non-codesigned 2e0f487
- 28.1rc2 laanwj noncodesigned+all 1cbca04
- Add sjors attestations for v28.1rc2 5e8c117
- Merge pull request #1482 from Sjors/28.1rc2-sjors Add sjors attestations for v28.1rc2 70a3eef
- Merge pull request #1480 from hebasto/28.1rc2-non-codesigned Add attestations by hebasto for 28.1rc2 non-codesigned 16d9c00
- Merge pull request #1479 from glozow/28.1rc2-all glozow attestations v28.1rc2 noncodesigned and all ac1ee9e
- Add attestations by hebasto for 28.1rc2 codesigned a21be02
- and 19 more ...
sipsorcery created a comment on an issue on sipsorcery-org/sipsorcery
Sorry for the late reply. This does look like a bug in this library. The DTMF format negotiation does not seem to be taking place proprely so if there is a different DTMF payload type ID in an offe...
sipsorcery closed an issue on sipsorcery-org/sipsorcery
How can I turn of the music playing on my outbound call?
I wrote a test program to make an outbound call and play a wave file. Just before and just after the wave file plays, there is what sounds like background music? Is it something my Asterisk server ...sipsorcery pushed 1 commit to master sipsorcery-org/sipsorcery
- Added new demo notifcations to readme. (#1275) 4e63cf1
sipsorcery closed a pull request on sipsorcery-org/sipsorcery
Added new demo notifcations to readme.
sipsorcery opened a pull request on sipsorcery-org/sipsorcery
Added new demo notifcations to readme.
sipsorcery created a branch on sipsorcery-org/sipsorcery
readme-newdemos - A WebRTC, SIP and VoIP library for C# and .NET. Designed for real-time communications apps.
sipsorcery pushed 1 commit to master sipsorcery-org/sipsorcery
- Webrtc audioscope (#1274) * wip: webrtc audioscope building but not wired up. * Got opengl render loop firing on ... 3b0d505