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sipsorcery closed a pull request on nofrixion/moneymoov-dotnet
Hotfix/hotfix vibans
The nuget warning exclusions are temporary for prod hotfix. Will remove later.sipsorcery created a branch on nofrixion/moneymoov-dotnet
hotfix/hotfix-vibans - .NET Core SDK for NoFrixion's MoneyMoov API
sipsorcery created a tag on nofrixion/moneymoov-dotnet
hotfix-vibans - .NET Core SDK for NoFrixion's MoneyMoov API
sipsorcery pushed 1 commit to develop nofrixion/moneymoov-dotnet
- Use base64 string for api key hmac secret instead of ascii encoded. (#474) 808ad8d
sipsorcery opened a pull request on nofrixion/moneymoov-dotnet
Use base64 string for api key hmac secret instead of ascii encoded.
sipsorcery created a comment on an issue on sipsorcery-org/sipsorcery
Was it a one way stream with you sending? If not what format did FireFox send? While SDP does specify both peers should use the same format there's nothing that prevents different ones. The RTP ...
sipsorcery created a comment on an issue on sipsorcery-org/sipsorcery
I don't think there's going to be a default way to solve that. The choice being made is inline with the SDP spec. The other peer, FireFox in this case, will apply the same rules which allows both p...
sipsorcery pushed 1 commit to master sipsorcery-org/sipsorcery
- Added a unit test to check the SDP media format order. Tightened up the SDP owner parsing. (#1248) 82809d2
sipsorcery closed a pull request on sipsorcery-org/sipsorcery
Added a unit test to check the SDP media format order
Tightened up the SDP owner parsing.sipsorcery opened a pull request on sipsorcery-org/sipsorcery
Added a unit test to check the SDP media format order
Tightened up the SDP owner parsing.sipsorcery created a branch on sipsorcery-org/sipsorcery
check-sdp-format-order - A WebRTC, SIP and VoIP library for C# and .NET. Designed for real-time communications apps.
sipsorcery created a comment on an issue on sipsorcery-org/sipsorcery
> Right but won't that fail if the client doesn't support h264? Yes, that's correct. If you do want to offer both VP8 and H264 with a preference for H264 you should add H264 as the first support...
sipsorcery created a comment on an issue on sipsorcery-org/sipsorcery
You can do that already when you create the IAudioSource and/or iVideoSource. ``` SIPSorceryMedia.FFmpeg.FFmpegInit.Initialise(SIPSorceryMedia.FFmpeg.FfmpegLogLevelEnum.AV_LOG_VERBOSE, null, l...
sipsorcery pushed 1 commit to master sipsorcery-org/sipsorcery
- Softphone vid reenable (#1246) * Re-enable the video events on the softphone demo. * Added readme. 0a5362b
sipsorcery created a branch on sipsorcery-org/sipsorcery
softphone-vid-reenable - A WebRTC, SIP and VoIP library for C# and .NET. Designed for real-time communications apps.
sipsorcery created a comment on an issue on sipsorcery-org/sipsorcery
What sort of memory consumption is involved? Are you using any video encoding?
sipsorcery opened an issue on sipsorcery-org/sipsorcery
ArgumentNullException when receiving RE-INVITE request
### Discussed in <div type='discussions-op-text'> <sup>Originally posted by **vezhichenko** October 9, 2024</sup> Is it possibl...sipsorcery closed an issue on sipsorcery-org/sipsorcery
Issues with TURN candidates when RTCPeerConnection is the controlling agent
Short description : when SIPSorcery's RTCPeerConnection is the controlling agent in the ICE session, the `relay` candidates never get chosen before a timeout occurs in situations where the `relay` ...sipsorcery closed an issue on sipsorcery-org/sipsorcery
About turns and tls in the webRTC
First of all, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the authors of this open-source repository for their valuable contributions to the community. I encountered an issue while using Web...sipsorcery created a comment on an issue on sipsorcery-org/sipsorcery
There's currently [no support]( for connecting to a STUN/TURN servver ov...
sipsorcery pushed 1 commit to master sipsorcery-org/sipsorcery
- Updated webrtccmdline TURN settings and comments. db81143