
Browse the timeline of events for every public repo on GitHub. Data updated hourly from GH Archive.


shikhinee starred infinitered/reactotron
shikhinee starred software-mansion/radon-ide
shikhinee created a comment on a pull request on numandev1/react-native-compressor
Had the same issue with react 0.76.1. This PR should be merged as soon as possible so that we can avoid build errors.

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shikhinee opened an issue on roninoss/rn-primitives
Warning: TypeError: 0, _$$_REQUIRE(_dependencyMap[6](...)ve-css-interop/jsx-runtime").jsx is not a function (it is undefined)
I've only initialized @rn-primitives/alert-dialog": "^1.1.0 in react-native cli project on v0.76.1. I no longer can run my app due to these errors. (NOBRIDGE) ERROR Warning: TypeError: 0, _$$_R...
shikhinee pushed 1 commit to main shikhinee/shadcn-calendar

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shikhinee created a branch on shikhinee/shadcn-calendar

main - Test

shikhinee created a repository: shikhinee/shadcn-calendar - Test