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sharminshanta pushed 1 commit to main sharminshanta/beginner-python-project
- #4: Hangman game in python. 5ef3787
sharminshanta created a comment on an issue on sharminshanta/beginner-python-project
We need to revise the steps.
sharminshanta pushed 1 commit to main sharminshanta/beginner-python-project
- #4: Hangman game in python. 872cb2c
sharminshanta opened an issue on sharminshanta/beginner-python-project
Hangman Game
What we will learn in this challenge: How to work with: 1. dictionaries, 2. lists 3. nested if statements. How to work with the string and random Python modules.sharminshanta pushed 1 commit to main sharminshanta/beginner-python-project
- #3: Game of Rock, Paper and Scissor. a77be8c
sharminshanta opened an issue on sharminshanta/beginner-python-project
Rock, paper, scissors
We will work with random.choice(), 1. if statements 2. getting user input. 3. conditionals and functionssharminshanta pushed 1 commit to main sharminshanta/beginner-python-project
- #2: Computer guessed the number. 672b8c3
sharminshanta opened an issue on sharminshanta/beginner-python-project
Guess the Number Game
To make it below: 1. Get the user input 2. Match with the pre-defined number 3. Show the guessing number if it matches it.sharminshanta pushed 1 commit to main sharminshanta/beginner-python-project
- #1: String Concatenation b47ce87
sharminshanta pushed 1 commit to main sharminshanta/beginner-python-project
- Delete .idea directory 18b395a
sharminshanta created a repository: sharminshanta/feature-PHP-8.4 - Features of PHP-8.4