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sboagy opened an issue on sboagy/tunetrees
Make near turn-key project setup
Try to make the now overly complex two-project over one repo setup as simple, and turn-key, as possible. - [ ] VS Code Settings Sync: Use the built-in settings sync feature in VS Code to synchro...
sboagy pushed 1 commit to main sboagy/tunetrees
  • ✨ Add onRowClickCallback prop to TunesGrid and implement row selection logic in TunesGridScheduled instead of TunesGr... 67e50fd

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sboagy pushed 2 commits to main sboagy/tunetrees
  • πŸ—ƒοΈ copy database from digital ocean 057dcf5
  • ⬆️ Make it so you no longer have to do `npm install` with `--legacy-peer-deps`, by overriding "jodit-react" react dep... 8c306ba

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sboagy created a comment on an issue on sboagy/tunetrees
I think this is pretty good now, though I left in a bit of a hack where I put in some special behavior for `app/(main)/pages/practice/components/TunesGrid.tsx` for the practice tab, and included ...

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sboagy closed an issue on sboagy/tunetrees
Practice tab not remembering current selection
I thought remembering the current tune for the practice tab was working. But it seems to be only working for the repertoire tab and the catalog tab. Not sure why.
sboagy created a comment on an issue on sboagy/tunetrees
Did a lot of work on this to get the refreshes pretty clean, and avoid unnecessary database reads of the table, and make sure it's sorted before displaying. So, I'm going to close this particula...

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sboagy closed an issue on sboagy/tunetrees
Repertoire tab (at least) re-loading data unnecessarily
The refreshID mechanism should avoid unnecessary loading, but doesn't seem to be working. See tunesRefreshId of app/(main)/pages/practice/components/TunesContextRepertoire.tsx RefreshId as well ...
sboagy pushed 4 commits to main sboagy/tunetrees
  • πŸ”ŠMinor log tweaks in getReferences and getReferenceFavorite functions to include file context 4816067
  • ⚑️ πŸ› move setTunesRefreshId for sorting onto the sortableHeader and remove it being called in interceptedSetSorting,... 49b2c01
  • πŸ› Drill setIsLoading into TunesTableComponent and then into interceptedSetSorting, which seems to be the cleanest sol... 52ff773
  • πŸ—ƒοΈ For now hide the notes column in the practice tab, which seems to be slowing things down only on the practice tab. dd00447

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sboagy pushed 1 commit to main sboagy/tunetrees
  • πŸ› Remove unused index variable in TunesGridScheduled row retrieval loop 16adbea

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sboagy pushed 1 commit to main sboagy/tunetrees
  • πŸ› Fix row retrieval in TunesGridScheduled to use tune ID instead of index af1b7be

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sboagy pushed 2 commits to main sboagy/tunetrees
  • πŸ”Š add more detailed render logging 195130a
  • ♻️ πŸ› Specify getRowId for useReactTable to tune IDs directly (instead of position index) for selections etc. Specify... 26f004c

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sboagy pushed 6 commits to main sboagy/tunetrees
  • πŸ› Refactor API calls in createOrUpdateTableState and updateCurrentTuneInDb to use dynamic URL parameters instead of ... 91e7c3b
  • πŸ› logging tweak for debugging scheduled tunes in getScheduledTunesOverview for better debugging 903158d
  • πŸ§‘β€πŸ’» Add DEBUG_SLOWDOWN feature to introduce intentional delays in scheduled tunes API for debugging purposes. 407dbe3
  • 🚧 🍻 πŸ› Working on improving refresh logic, and enhancing debug logging in TunesGrid components, note SOFT REFRESH log... ec9fdf7
  • πŸ› Update foreign key pragma to OFF for now, and modify table_state migration to include playlist_id f696ade
  • πŸ—ƒοΈ Copy database from digital ocean 31c82da

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sboagy created a comment on an issue on sboagy/tunetrees
`app/auth/password-login-only/page.tsx` consolodated into login `app/auth/login/page.tsx`.Consolidated `app/auth/password-login-only/page.tsx`. For now I think this is good enough, at least a ste...

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sboagy closed an issue on sboagy/tunetrees
Refactor/cleanup login dialogs to be consolidated and all use same structure
Overall, the login/new user structure is a mess (my fault for copying and pasting as I was trying to figure that stuff out). - [ ] app/auth/login/page.tsx and app/auth/password-login-only/page.t...
sboagy pushed 1 commit to main sboagy/tunetrees
  • ♻️ `app/auth/password-login-only/page.tsx` to consolodated into login `app/auth/login/page.tsx`. e96b2c4

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sboagy pushed 2 commits to main sboagy/tunetrees
  • πŸ› Make sure 'from_attributes' is specified whereever `orm_mode` exists (per deprication warning for `orm_mode`). 994da8c
  • πŸ› ♻️ have login use shadcn components and model after signin, also fix bug in signin for the email validation warning... 0bc72b0

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sboagy created a comment on an issue on sboagy/tunetrees
Given that the cited library in the description seems to have been deleted, I think I'll lower priority of this again, and wait and see if another library comes along. Or wait until the itch strik...

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sboagy opened an issue on sboagy/tunetrees
fix fake csrfToken
The csrfToken is hard coded into a number of the auth pages. I have to re-educate myself about these tokens, I remember I had some bad issues when I tried a few months ago. And I think this is ta...
sboagy opened an issue on sboagy/tunetrees
next-auth: Switch from `strategy: "jwt"` to `strategy: "database"`
The idea here is to abandon use of jwt and cookies. I tried it once a ways back, and would like to give it a go again. May be related to the csrfToken issue.
sboagy opened an issue on sboagy/tunetrees
πŸ“ Create UX grammar (conceptual and maybe structured)
This is both about consistent structure for concepts and terminology in the UI, and I intended to extend it to use a eBNF to describe the overall state machine of the UI (given my language design b...
sboagy opened an issue on sboagy/tunetrees
Catalog is empty for new user
The catalog should always populate, but just says "Loading...". The Repertoire tab also says "Loading...", but it should render something like "Empty repertoire list for instrument, do you want ...
sboagy opened an issue on sboagy/tunetrees
Repertoire/Instrument/Playlist button broken, especially for new user
When a new user, the primary instrument needs to be identified, and the initial repertoire/Instrument/Playlist identified. Also, I tried to create a new Repertoire/Instrument/Playlist, and it di...
sboagy opened an issue on sboagy/tunetrees
Refactor/cleanup login dialogs to be consolidated and all use same structure
Overall, the login/new user structure is a mess (my fault for copying and pasting as I was trying to figure that stuff out). - [ ] app/auth/login/page.tsx and app/auth/password-login-only/page.t...
sboagy created a comment on an issue on sboagy/tunetrees
I'm going to close this with the 8f848724c0e72c175b70139659ba85913ca4494c commit (🚧 πŸ› Many fixes for New user flow, up to being logged in (but still not so good for new user state). )

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sboagy closed an issue on sboagy/tunetrees
Revisit sign in/sign out/new user flows
I haven't visited new user login for a while, so, go through steps of new user creation, figure out what happens with repertoire, etc. - [x] Sign In - [x] Sign Out - [x] New User (bare basics)
sboagy pushed 4 commits to main sboagy/tunetrees
  • πŸ› Simplify get_playlists function by removing unnecessary error handling for empty playlists b546eb0
  • 🚧 For now, don't flag an empty playlist as an error (probably should prompt for primary instrument?), note that creat... 3c03f85
  • 🚧 πŸ› Many fixes for New user flow, up to being logged in (but still not so good for new user state). 8f84872
  • πŸ—ƒοΈ created Sam Hill user 0bd8cbb

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sboagy created a comment on an issue on sboagy/tunetrees
Merged fixes so that signIn/sighOut seems to be smooth now, the logo displays correctly on the signIn panel (the public directory wasn't being copied in the Dockerfile), the header updates correctl...

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sboagy pushed 1 commit to main sboagy/tunetrees
  • πŸ› Update logo alt text to reflect correct branding 43f4abc

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sboagy pushed 2 commits to main sboagy/tunetrees
  • ⚰️ Remove unused Logout component. 4be8cc3
  • πŸš€ Update Dockerfile to include public assets in the production image. bbdab97

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sboagy pushed 2 commits to main sboagy/tunetrees
  • 🚸 Improve styling and formatting and text of the welcome section in the main page, comment out confusing second quot... b9c22ef
  • 🚸 Fix signIn/Signout immediate problems, in the process simplify a bit, and make sure header properly re-renders. Th... 65224f7

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