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sboagy pushed 6 commits to add_from_catalog sboagy/tunetrees
- ✨ Replace FastForward icon with BetweenHorizontalEnd in TunesGridCatalog and TunesGridRepertoire components. 72c6c3a
- ➕ Add async-mute dependency to package.json eeb067f
- ✨ Refactor TableState model to include playlist relationship and enforce unique constraints; update User and Playlist... bdcca8e
- 🗃️ Update table_state_temp schema to include playlist_id in the primary key and adjust data migration accordingly. f5657d7
- 🚧 ♻️ Implement mutex for table state management to prevent race conditions (so far only for TableState); update API ... 2523f96
- 💩 🚧 Add logging for row selection changes and update table state handling; replace useSaveTableState with direct dat... 79b7427
sboagy pushed 1 commit to add_from_catalog sboagy/tunetrees
- 🗃️ 🚧 Update tab specification and types to replace "all" with "catalog"; modify related components to support playli... 3ee069c
sboagy pushed 1 commit to main sboagy/tunetrees
- ♻️ Refactor practice list SQL views and update Pydantic models to include 'deleted' status for tunes and playlists, r... 7acdc07
sboagy pushed 1 commit to main sboagy/tunetrees
- ♻️ 🐛 hopefully fixed table selection sync with current tune, and refactoring of settings pydantic models and API clea... 15d1d27
sboagy pushed 4 commits to main sboagy/tunetrees
- 💚 Update dependencies and lint autofix refactor imports 12820c0
- ♻️ 💥 change PUT endpoints to PATCH, and get rid of pydantic Partial variants! f8df965
- ✨ ♻️ Soft deletion for tunes and playlists basically works, some continued refactoring. 234bd5b
- ♻️ Enhance delete confirmation prompts for tunes and playlists, refactor imports, and fix backup file path in migrati... 5666292
sboagy pushed 4 commits to main sboagy/tunetrees
- 🗃️ copy db from digital ocean after practice session 71902b9
- 🚧 Working on delete tunes: Get table object to the delete button, a comment sketching out soft deletions. b7d5049
- 🔧 Update PyCharm project SDK to Python 3.12 and exclude virtual environment folder from module settings 5ccfc77
- ♻️ 🚧 Add 'deleted' flag to multiple tables and update related components for soft deletion support, various refactor... 4d0b394
sboagy pushed 3 commits to main sboagy/tunetrees
sboagy pushed 3 commits to main sboagy/tunetrees
- 🐛 Update database migration scripts: adjust backup file paths, add genre_default column to playlist, and insert genre... aaf441f
- 🙈 Update .gitignore to include additional backup files: tunetrees_do_backup and tunetrees_local_backup. eb5347a
- 🐛 Add genre_default field to Playlist model and update related components for genre selection 54ddb14
sboagy pushed 1 commit to main sboagy/tunetrees
- ⬆️ Update React version in package.json and package-lock.json to 19.0.0-rc.1 3c829f2
sboagy opened an issue on sboagy/tunetrees
Genre's dissapeared
I think in one of my migration script runs I wiped out the hard work I did for Genres. Side note: default Genre for playlist?sboagy pushed 6 commits to main sboagy/tunetrees
- 💄 🚸 Tweak row heights to fix top and bottom selection, make bottom of table a little closer to the layout footer. 3ddbfed
- 🐛 🚸 Add playlist tune check before deletion: implement validation to prevent deleting playlists containing tunes, upd... e6cf2e5
- 🗑️ Remove ManagePlaylistMenuItem component: eliminate now unused component from AuthComponents and UserButton. 9d77634
- 🚧 ✨ Add DeleteTuneButton component, eliminate a bunch of logs that are slowing things down too much. a87e0d3
- ✨ Refactor NewTuneButton to use context for view and tune management: replace router navigation with context updates,... d656c7c
- 🗃️ update db from do ebeebe2
sboagy pushed 3 commits to main sboagy/tunetrees
- 🗃️ Enhance database migration scripts: add new fields to tune, user, playlist, practice_record, and other tables; inc... b64c6fa
- 🗃️ Enhance database migration scripts: add new fields to tune, user, playlist, practice_record, and other tables; inc... 9859d56
- ✨ Implement tab group main state persistence: refactor TabsStateContext to fetch and save tab state to the database, ... 0a5aa5b
sboagy pushed 3 commits to main sboagy/tunetrees
- 🚧 Attempting to generate ORM for SQLAlchemy 2.0.35 and sqlmodel 0.0.22. Didn't go too well, but want to keep trying ... bdb5353
- ✨ Refactor tunes context (name change only): replace old context components with new TunesContextScheduled and TunesC... dae6d07
- 🚧 ✨ Add "all" grid and tab visibility menu. Not quite perfect yet, wip. Add Tabs menu and "all" page, and enhance c... c39af52
sboagy pushed 1 commit to main sboagy/tunetrees
- 🗃️ fix migration script and database updated from digital ocean 1d8fe77
sboagy pushed 1 commit to main sboagy/tunetrees
- ✨ ➕ 🚧 Refactor playlist handling: update create and update functions to use Partial<IPlaylist>; enhance UI components... b1168f8
sboagy pushed 3 commits to main sboagy/tunetrees
sboagy pushed 4 commits to main sboagy/tunetrees
- 🚧 Rudementary start to the playlist menu 0b3c86e
- 🚧 Untested "/playlist" API and access methods. 65d6f3a
- 🗃️ Add description field to playlist. Make playlist user_ref+instrument unique, make user_ref and playlist indexes. 5145eee
- 🗃️ data migrated from DO into new DB with playlist modified schema 3f02d71
sboagy pushed 1 commit to main sboagy/tunetrees
- 🚨 ♻️ Format CurrentTuneContext and MainPanel imports for improved readability and consistency. 2e25c03
sboagy pushed 5 commits to main sboagy/tunetrees
- ⚡️ remove the isClient state variable, I don't think it's needed 7e12e99
- 🚧 🐛 Refactor TabGroupMain to avoid initial server render issues and improve active tab handling; update saveTableSta... 4eb3af1
- ♻️ Refactor TunesTable and RepertoireTunesGrid to improve table creation handling, similar to ScheduledTunesGrid; enh... 66f6489
- 📝 Add analysis of use-reducer-pattern implementation, highlighting strengths and areas for improvement in state manag... 597ea84
- 🗃️ copy db from digital ocean b37ce83
sboagy pushed 1 commit to main sboagy/tunetrees
- 📝 point-in-time analysis of too-many-renders for the grids problem, via o1 677d93d
sboagy pushed 4 commits to main sboagy/tunetrees
- 🚸 Don't do standard links for tune titles, make them forground for better readability, fix External Refs header. a139558
- 🚸 Absolute positioning of cells, still a bit iffy, but table is stable now d6a052e
- 🐛 Fix themes by pulling theme provider back out to the layout component 10b87af
- 🗃️ Not sure there's any real changes here 57001da
sboagy pushed 1 commit to main sboagy/tunetrees
- 🗃️ Add genre to tune table, in in prep for multi-genre and all-tunes tab fda2aff