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samott pushed 1 commit to PROD-522/add-credits-to-mysterybox-flow gator-labs/chomp
- Move credits log relation from MysteryBox to MysteryBoxPrize. dcccd59
samott pushed 3 commits to PROD-522/add-credits-to-mysterybox-flow gator-labs/chomp
samott pushed 1 commit to PROD-522/add-credits-to-mysterybox-flow gator-labs/chomp
- Store and query credits from fungible asset log. 69ce525
samott created a review comment on a pull request on gator-labs/chomp
I can change this, but it's a union type, FYI.
samott pushed 15 commits to PROD-522/add-credits-to-mysterybox-flow gator-labs/chomp
- fix: reveal status mixpanel event dc54955
- Merge branch 'main' into PROD-592/mixpanel 129d3c8
- refactor: rename variable and remove duplicate func d580cdd
- fix: revert merge conflict claim file 3ff2123
- fix: enable click on box ad72ab9
- feat: credit cost deck admin 3b9ead5
- style: adjust box size 6535e6a
- style: responsive box size refactor: rename allowlist var 12c2cca
- fix: Add mixpanel event based on button 4a71cc7
- style: adjust box size ae7c166
- Merge pull request #768 from gator-labs/PROD-592/mixpanel PROD-592: Fix reveal status mixpanel event 1ec569b
- Merge pull request #777 from gator-labs/PROD-578/fix-box-click PROD-578: Fix box single click 6b9ed9d
- Merge branch 'main' into PROD-550/credit-cost 0220afe
- Merge pull request #778 from gator-labs/PROD-550/credit-cost PROD-550: Credit Cost Per Question Deck Form Admin 450663d
- Merge branch 'main' into PROD-522/add-credits-to-mysterybox-flow d5913c4
samott created a comment on a pull request on gator-labs/chomp
I've just merged into the other branch.
samott pushed 2 commits to PROD-522/add-credits-to-mysterybox-flow gator-labs/chomp
samott created a review comment on a pull request on gator-labs/chomp
doesn't this allow empty strings, contrary to the comment?
samott created a review on a pull request on gator-labs/chomp
Looks good, seems to work.
samott created a review on a pull request on gator-labs/chomp
Looks good, seems to work.
samott created a review comment on a pull request on gator-labs/chomp
Remove commented code
samott created a review comment on a pull request on gator-labs/chomp
Should be `totalCreditsWon`
samott created a comment on a pull request on gator-labs/chomp
> @samott can we close this pr? Yeah, sure, let's use the other one.
samott pushed 9 commits to PROD-522/add-credits-to-mysterybox-flow gator-labs/chomp
- add flush 46f6bb2
- PROD-588 fixed claim reward formatting a9ca1d6
- fix cdcc1dd
- Merge branch 'main' into PROD-590/always-flush-sentry-if-used 20450e8
- fix 239d0fa
- Merge pull request #763 from gator-labs/PROD-590/always-flush-sentry-if-used PROD-590/always-flush-sentry-if-used 9bc6edd
- Merge pull request #765 from gator-labs/PROD-588-Pre-and-post-claim-amounts-inconsistent PROD-588 fixed claim reward... c19f02c
- Merge branch 'main' into PROD-522/add-credits-to-mysterybox-flow 1143277
- Prettier. 55ebc96
samott pushed 3 commits to PROD-522/add-credits-to-mysterybox-flow gator-labs/chomp
samott pushed 1 commit to PROD-522/add-credits-to-mysterybox-flow gator-labs/chomp
- Add tracking IDs. 0705269