Nit: the expiration/eviction period is currently 182 days, not 180. We can change this on the backend if desired. Could also say '6 months' on the frontend, or maybe it's not an important distincti...
It seems like by switching to `**kwargs`, we are thinning the separation between our `Viewer` interface and `napari.Viewer`. I think if this is the route we're going down, we should at minimum note...
I'm still struggling to understand `Source`
1. Why is source inheriting from `SegmenterLayer`--Source is not a Layer right? It's an attribute of a layer
2. Do we actually need to mimic the fact t...
Is the reason we apply thresh function again is because it's possible that they've selected a folder to threshold and the thresholded images aren't already in the viewer?
We don't need to deal with channels because segmentations are already single channel, right? Is there any harm in just having the channel selection option there but with only one option?
This name is a bit misleading--this is only used for thresholds, not the initial segmentations, right? Maybe better to call it `_thresholds_inserted` or something