
Browse the timeline of events for every public repo on GitHub. Data updated hourly from GH Archive.


rohrbrecher starred rdmtc/RedMatic
rohrbrecher starred mbecker20/komodo
rohrbrecher starred jens-maus/RaspberryMatic
rohrbrecher pushed 1 commit to master rohrbrecher/AOC2023

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rohrbrecher starred Wingysam/Christmas-Community
rohrbrecher starred EricHier/spotify-launcher
rohrbrecher created a comment on an issue on michalleptuch/input-switcher
Yes, but why does it matter? After I rebooted my machine multiple times (because the installation would never finish and the flickering screen drove me crazy) the installation finally went throu...

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rohrbrecher opened an issue on michalleptuch/input-switcher
Installation not working, screen just flickers brightly
After buying and starting installation from Microsoft store, the state shows "checking dependencies" and my screen flickers brightly (as if brightness is shortly set to 100% and back) about once pe...
rohrbrecher starred community-scripts/ProxmoxVE
rohrbrecher starred BalzGuenat/CustomThreads
rohrbrecher starred hoarder-app/hoarder
rohrbrecher starred DerDanilo/proxmox-stuff