Browse the timeline of events for every public repo on GitHub. Data updated hourly from GH Archive.
recursiveforte pushed 3 commits to main hackclub/neon
recursiveforte created a branch on hackclub/ysws-id-verification
recursiveforte-patch-1 - centralized id verification for all you ship we ship projects
recursiveforte pushed 2 commits to main hackclub/neon
recursiveforte pushed 12 commits to main hackclub/neon-controller
- move pcb into its own dir f2a268b
- init backend f800518
- get some things working? shared memory is wacky. lots of broken code e3e937f
- prototype semi-working-ish 7d79827
- add frontend (almost works?) 7ca2f02
- codemirror working 512c57e
- dockerize simulation workers / allow multiple users! 60e7cb4
- stream console messages ec3923b
- basically drop-in 9e826d0
- save to localstorage 1228e88
- replace default example 2cac5cc
- dockerize all the kingdoms f943637
recursiveforte pushed 1 commit to main hackclub/neon-controller
- update to fix USB wiring / EN pin. TODO: fix screw jack part # 35a56ca