Browse the timeline of events for every public repo on GitHub. Data updated hourly from GH Archive.
rcmtcristian pushed 1 commit to main rcmtcristian/PE-Vercel-Update-V4
- 🐛 Fix: updated routes v2 c6e8e01
rcmtcristian pushed 1 commit to main rcmtcristian/PE-Vercel-Update-V4
- 🐛 Fix: added vercel json 1v b0e7683
rcmtcristian pushed 4 commits to main rcmtcristian/PE-Vercel-Update-V4
- 🎨 Styling: updated the home second hero image made the image properly responsive 850e72d
- 🎨 Feat: updated the styling of all the pages made the content be correctly left aligned and centered 1b7bfe8
- 🎨 Fix: updated the mobile nav menu Now the mobile nav menu works properly b1f9419
- 🎨 Fix: updated the mobile margins for each page now the pages are properly displayed on mobile 557e9ec