
Browse the timeline of events for every public repo on GitHub. Data updated hourly from GH Archive.


paul-rinaldi starred cyclotruc/gitingest
paul-rinaldi starred amalsony/universalnotes-server
paul-rinaldi starred amalsony/universalnotes
paul-rinaldi created a comment on an issue on meliorence/react-native-render-html
Having same issue `textSelectable={true}` and `defaultTextProps={{selectable: true}}` on iOS. Android allows selection of text with these props though.

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paul-rinaldi starred anuraghazra/github-readme-stats
paul-rinaldi starred kspviswa/local-packet-whisperer
paul-rinaldi starred avgupta456/github-trends
paul-rinaldi pushed 1 commit to main paul-rinaldi/LeagueOfLegends-SkillShot-Patterns-Recorder

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paul-rinaldi pushed 1 commit to main paul-rinaldi/LeagueOfLegends-SkillShot-Patterns-Recorder
  • initial commit With duplicate main() 3cb5981

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paul-rinaldi created a repository: paul-rinaldi/LeagueOfLegends-SkillShot-Patterns-Recorder - A tool to simplify League of Legend's players improving their skillshot/trading patterns

paul-rinaldi created a branch on paul-rinaldi/LeagueOfLegends-SkillShot-Patterns-Recorder

main - A tool to simplify League of Legend's players improving their skillshot/trading patterns

paul-rinaldi starred RhysSullivan/tenant-kit
paul-rinaldi starred ai-made-approachable/rivet-examples
paul-rinaldi created a comment on an issue on expo/eas-cli
What's the current suggestion to use for ensuring corepack gets enabled in the expo install dependencies workflow?

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paul-rinaldi starred expo/expo
paul-rinaldi starred Ironclad/rivet
paul-rinaldi starred Ironclad/rivet-example
paul-rinaldi starred rivet-gg/rivet