Browse the timeline of events for every public repo on GitHub. Data updated hourly from GH Archive.
mkraposhin created a comment on an issue on unicfdlab/libAcoustics
If you want to measure a sound response from a moving source with solid walls and you can simulate the source motion with OpenFOAM, then you don't need STL surfaces and you can use patches. Howeve...
mkraposhin created a branch on mkraposhin/libcompressibleTools
v2412 - OpenFOAM library for compressible flow calculations - boundary conditions, linear solvers (BiCGStab from extend-project), function objects
mkraposhin created a branch on mkraposhin/QGDsolver
digitef-dev-v2412 - OpenFOAM framework for simulation of fluid flows using regularized (QGD/QHD) equations.
mkraposhin pushed 1 commit to main mkraposhin/VnV
- corrected a typo inside SodProblem/Runtest b5ef284
mkraposhin pushed 1 commit to main mkraposhin/VnV
- Typos correction for the initial version of testing scripts 1cd334e
mkraposhin pushed 1 commit to main mkraposhin/VnV
- The initial version of scripts to test solvers vs 1D problems 548e540