Browse the timeline of events for every public repo on GitHub. Data updated hourly from GH Archive.
mkraposhin pushed 1 commit to main mkraposhin/VnV
- Typos correction for the initial version of testing scripts 1cd334e
mkraposhin pushed 1 commit to main mkraposhin/VnV
- The initial version of scripts to test solvers vs 1D problems 548e540
mkraposhin pushed 1 commit to master mkraposhin/RiemanSolvers
- PerfectGasToro: file format description 8b91abe
mkraposhin pushed 1 commit to master mkraposhin/RiemanSolvers
- a Riemann solver for the perfect gas EoS 0cef590
mkraposhin created a branch on mkraposhin/libAcoustics
digitef-dev-2412 - libAcoustics - OpenFOAM library for far-field noise computation
mkraposhin created a branch on mkraposhin/hybridCentralSolvers
digitef-dev-2412 - United collection of hybrid Central solvers - one-phase, two-phase and multicomponent versions