Browse the timeline of events for every public repo on GitHub. Data updated hourly from GH Archive.
mfluehr reopened a pull request on standardebooks/ambrose-bierce_the-devils-dictionary
Fix: "Please" to "Pleased"
mfluehr reopened a pull request on standardebooks/ambrose-bierce_the-devils-dictionary
Fix: "had" to "has"
mfluehr closed a pull request on standardebooks/ambrose-bierce_the-devils-dictionary
Fix: "Please" to "Pleased"
mfluehr closed a pull request on standardebooks/ambrose-bierce_the-devils-dictionary
Fix: "had" to "has"
mfluehr opened a pull request on standardebooks/ambrose-bierce_the-devils-dictionary
Fix: "had" to "has"
mfluehr pushed 1 commit to master mfluehr/ambrose-bierce_the-devils-dictionary
- Fix: "word" to "world" a19c0bb
mfluehr pushed 1 commit to master mfluehr/ambrose-bierce_the-devils-dictionary
- Fix: "lord" to "Lord" 3a885fc
mfluehr pushed 1 commit to patch-2 mfluehr/ambrose-bierce_the-devils-dictionary
- Fix: "Please" to "Pleased" e30a6f9
mfluehr pushed 1 commit to patch-1 mfluehr/ambrose-bierce_the-devils-dictionary
- Fix: "had" to "has" 4e3b3c3
mfluehr opened a pull request on standardebooks/a-n-afanasyev_russian-folktales_leonard-a-magnus
Fix typo: "life" to "like"
mfluehr pushed 1 commit to patch-1 mfluehr/a-n-afanasyev_russian-folktales_leonard-a-magnus
- Fix typo: "life" to "like" 21d8664