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marq24 created a comment on an issue on marq24/ha-senec-v3
ok - let me try to rephrase it - from the so far shared log output it looks like that there is some sort of miss-configuration/malfunction during system startup - at least I do not have an explanat...

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marq24 pushed 1 commit to master marq24/ha-senec-v3

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marq24 created a tag on marq24/ha-tibber-graphapi

2025.1.0 - Fetch Vehicle SOC/Range from your Tibber account (when FORD just sucks!)

marq24 created a comment on an issue on marq24/ha-senec-v3
mhhh - I really don't understand than, that you do not have any log output from the local based integration... -> something like this `... DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.senec] read: {'data'...

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marq24 created a comment on an issue on marq24/ha-senec-v3
let me ask different - how many Senec integrations you have configured? Based on the provided debug log output it looks like, that you have (only) installed the WebAPI Integration? Looks like there...

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marq24 created a comment on an issue on marq24/ha-senec-v3
@iot-sle can you remember, why we did not implement the SET_ICMIN ? [I can't remember the details to be honest] It was IMHo related to the value of the attr `configuredMinChargingCurrentInA` (sinc...

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marq24 created a comment on an issue on marq24/ha-senec-v3
... do you have also the LOCAL SENEC Integration configured?! [and can you please be so kind and provide also the log output from there]? -> the WB status will be written via WEB -but then READ fro...

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marq24 created a comment on an issue on marq24/ha-senec-v3

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marq24 published a release on marq24/ha-evcc
Maintenance Release
Minor change to handle HA restart when EVCC-backend is not available
marq24 pushed 1 commit to main marq24/ha-evcc

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marq24 created a tag on marq24/ha-evcc

2025.2.0 - Home Assistant integration for evcc☀️🚘- optimized charging of electric vehicles, connecting your EV charger with your PV system. The integration use local polling (interval configurable) of the evcc API. Please note, that this integration is not official and not supported by the evcc developers. This project is not affiliated with evcc in any way.

marq24 pushed 1 commit to main marq24/ha-evcc

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marq24 created a comment on an issue on marq24/ha-evcc
The integration is using only GET 'http://evcc:7070/api/states' endpoint and there the info (SOC based) for vehicle plan is used (when known VEH is connected to LP) - and if it's a guest vehicle, t...

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marq24 closed an issue on marq24/ha-evcc
Charging Plan Entities do not show values or update
### Checklist - [x] I confirm, that I my evcc instance is configured, is up & running and that **I can access the default evcc webinterface** - [x] My home assistant version is up to date. - [x] I...
marq24 created a comment on an issue on marq24/ha-senec-v3
> Hey, I've merged your PR. I currently lack the time to respond quickly. :) This is all just a hobby for all of us - so nobody can expect that there is a reaction from the developer in < 48h... I...

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marq24 created a comment on an issue on marq24/ha-senec-v3
So with the change in the senec-card all is solved, then I close this... @ETH1166 - I hope the updated card will also work for you I guess the root cause is, that you must flush local cache (so th...

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marq24 closed an issue on marq24/ha-senec-v3
Sensorwerte ('states') haben zu viele Stellen
Alle Werte werden korrekt ausgegeben, bis zur xsten Stelle nach dem Komma. Das ist leider zuviel für die Custom Lovelace Card. Leider werden dort, und nur...
marq24 created a comment on an issue on marq24/ha-senec-v3
Any code change, always required a restart of HA - but I assume @io-debug will sooner or later merge the PR (or fix it correctly in the sources)... ...

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marq24 opened a pull request on io-debug/io-senec-card
force rounding for numeric values
solving &
marq24 pushed 1 commit to patch-1 marq24/io-senec-card
  • force rounding for numeric values 5550911

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marq24 forked io-debug/io-senec-card


marq24 created a comment on an issue on marq24/ha-senec-v3
Ok - I have some feedback - looks like that this is not 'easy' fixable - since all Sensors have the corresponding attribute set - but for what ever reason HA states will be provided as 'raw'... Yo...

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marq24 created a comment on an issue on marq24/ha-senec-v3
... gib mir ein paar Tage

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marq24 closed an issue on marq24/ha-tibber-pulse-local
Is it possible to distinguish between power drawing from and feeding into the grid?
### Add a description Hi, First of all: thank you for this great integration. Since I've been using it, I've had practically no more failures and the data is displayed reliably (unfortunately, it ...
marq24 created a comment on an issue on marq24/ha-tibber-pulse-local
probably you need to store the "current" value of the 0100020801ff in another sensor - and update this new_copy it with a delay... then you can compare "now" with the "delayed_copied" value and det...

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marq24 created a comment on an issue on marq24/ha-tibber-pulse-local
Ok - there is no difference in the data (for IMPORT/EXPORT)... I only see the following possibility: when '0100010801ff' (Zählerstand Bezug) is increasing, then the 01000f0700ff should be conside...

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marq24 created a comment on an issue on marq24/ha-tibber-pulse-local
-D zwei dumme... -> files sind angekommen...

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marq24 created a comment on an issue on marq24/ha-tibber-pulse-local
Du kannst mir dann auch nochmal ein file senden, wenn Du gerade am einspeisen bist [der `0100010802ff` ist m.E. eine Sackgasse - da müsste 'Positive active energy (A+) in tariff T2 [kWh]']

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marq24 created a comment on an issue on marq24/ha-tibber-pulse-local
As already guessed - your meter providing "just" the obiscode `01000f0700ff` [which is a absolute value] ``` 0 = {SmlListEntry} <obis: 0100000009ff, value: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 1 = {SmlLis...

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marq24 created a comment on an issue on marq24/ha-tibber-pulse-local
ok - so as expected "just" binary... so then we need really to follow the 'CURL' approach - you are Windows user? Did you ever started am command line (PowerShell or 'CMD') ?!

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