## reproduction steps
using Scala? _Yes._
➜ ✗ scala -nobootcp -Xlint
Welcome to Scala 2.13.3 (OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM, Java 11.0.7).
Type in expressions for evaluation. Or try :...
Very nice, thank you!
I added a tiny change https://github.com/scala/scala/compare/f0cef92cb12821e3d648eb4f19da876269cee738..24c9a2dadcd601479314e6a8888bcc7cf1ba4056.
I think it's fine to leave this `private[concurrent]`. Custom Future subclasses defined outside the `concurrent` package can override this method and make the override public. They cannot call it u...
## Questions are not bug reports
Miles had a question:
TIL that if you ask `Prop.forAll` for more than 8 arbitraries in a test the test will silently succeed no matter what.
If you hand `Pro...
Require `-Xsource-features:eta-expand-always` for eta-expansion without an expected type.
Plain `-Xsource:3` is reserved for benign features only.
As a consequence, `-Xsource-features:case-co...
Welcome to Scala 2.11.8 (OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM, Java 1.8.0_66-internal).
Type in expressions for evaluation. Or try :help.
scala> :power
Power mode enabled. :phase is at typer.
@SethTisue is this expected?
<img width="1071" alt="image" src="https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/b26e95ee-e233-4084-a251-3118c28fb552" />
It links to https://docs.github.com/en/acti...
That was necessary when `-Ydelambdafy:method` was introduced. However, since then, the codegen was improved so that delambdafy targets that do not refer to `this` are compiled as `static`.
If a ...
> In Dotty, I've been told a few times not to add `Mode` bits (we have 30 out of 32 used currently), and I would expect the same answer here.
Make it a Long?
## Reproduction steps
Scala version: 2.13.15
$ scala -Xsource:3
Welcome to Scala 2.13.15 -Xsource:3.0.0 (OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM, Java 21.0.4).
Type in expressions for evaluation. Or ...