Browse the timeline of events for every public repo on GitHub. Data updated hourly from GH Archive.
kmandryk pushed 2 commits to stage bcgov/psa-job-store
kmandryk pushed 22 commits to AL-1059 bcgov/psa-job-store
- remove limits and add secret backup 3b79dd3
- e2e seed fix 2f74e10
- share link e2e test 5b7258d
- Merge branch 'stage' into AL-1066 59ad430
- update documentation, reduce pvc size 3d7187f
- Merge pull request #1193 from bcgov/AL-1059 migrate category B codes to Schedule A codes 803521d
- Merge branch 'stage' into AL-1066 62bc343
- update cron job run time e9530bb
- Merge pull request #1192 from bcgov/AL-1066 remove limits and add secret backup 440f290
- Enable position creation under vacant positions 5ce6961
- Merge branch 'stage' into stage-patches 9db6d9f
- Merge branch 'stage' into AL-982 1bbffae
- Merge pull request #1194 from bcgov/AL-982 Enable position creation under vacant positions af9c974
- Update create-position-button.component.tsx 27d0614
- professional registration requrements fixes - some records had incorrect structure, preventing saving 820bb1e
- Merge pull request #1199 from bcgov/stage-patches Stage patches 2e782b3
- Merge branch 'stage' into stage-patches ea99b82
- build fix 7048423
- Merge branch 'stage' into stage-patches 19a8986
- Merge pull request #1200 from bcgov/stage-patches Stage patches aa30449
- and 2 more ...
kmandryk pushed 2 commits to stage bcgov/psa-job-store
kmandryk pushed 1 commit to AL-982 bcgov/psa-job-store
- Update create-position-button.component.tsx 27d0614
kmandryk pushed 3 commits to stage bcgov/psa-job-store
kmandryk closed a pull request on bcgov/psa-job-store
Enable position creation under vacant positions
kmandryk pushed 7 commits to AL-982 bcgov/psa-job-store
- remove limits and add secret backup 3b79dd3
- Merge branch 'stage' into AL-1066 59ad430
- update documentation, reduce pvc size 3d7187f
- Merge branch 'stage' into AL-1066 62bc343
- update cron job run time e9530bb
- Merge pull request #1192 from bcgov/AL-1066 remove limits and add secret backup 440f290
- Merge branch 'stage' into AL-982 1bbffae
kmandryk opened a pull request on bcgov/psa-job-store
Enable position creation under vacant positions
kmandryk created a branch on bcgov/psa-job-store
AL-982 - Welcome to the BC Public Service Agency's Job Store βeta, the all-in-one solution for navigating and managing your organizational chart with ease and efficiency. This tool is designed to streamline the way you view, edit, and create positions within your organization, all while integrating seamlessly with PeopleSoft and CRM systems.
kmandryk pushed 6 commits to stage bcgov/psa-job-store
kmandryk pushed 5 commits to AL-1066 bcgov/psa-job-store
kmandryk pushed 3 commits to stage bcgov/psa-job-store
kmandryk created a branch on bcgov/psa-job-store
AL-1059 - Welcome to the BC Public Service Agency's Job Store βeta, the all-in-one solution for navigating and managing your organizational chart with ease and efficiency. This tool is designed to streamline the way you view, edit, and create positions within your organization, all while integrating seamlessly with PeopleSoft and CRM systems.