Browse the timeline of events for every public repo on GitHub. Data updated hourly from GH Archive.
kmandryk pushed 3 commits to stage bcgov/psa-job-store
kmandryk pushed 2 commits to km-patch-stage bcgov/psa-job-store
kmandryk pushed 64 commits to main kmandryk/psa-job-store
- Update don't show verification modal if the PR has been submitted before. 3a43136
- add mock services for testing Add mock CRM and PeopleSoft services to help with testing submissions. 768e566
- Merge branch 'develop' into feature/improve-testing fc66b62
- move test API data to file. 1a38710
- Merge pull request #847 from bcgov/feature/improve-testing Feature/improve testing fe26769
- Merge pull request #848 from bcgov/AL-944 Update 926c243
- Merge pull request #860 from bcgov/stage-patches Stage patches 9db7b73
- prevent user from change org chart on resubmit if position request is being re-submitted, user is now prevented from... ce76d3b
- org chart resubmission, minor fixes - AL-946 Re-submission org chart is incorrect: no longer attaching png when resu... 0333c31
- Merge pull request #862 from bcgov/feature-wizard3 Feature wizard3 2a3e865
- mock service updates fix for builds 5425929
- Merge pull request #863 from bcgov/feature/improve-testing mock service updates 7bf312f
- psql upgrade instructions 318ea2d
- deployment fix 05f45a6
- deployment fix d71c824
- Merge pull request #869 from bcgov/stage-patches deployment fix beb6fb5
- postgres cluster updates - increased resources - bumped version to 16 for psql ca1bbba
- Merge pull request #870 from bcgov/feature-wizard3 Feature wizard3 8417faf
- Update bb9f425
- Merge pull request #871 from bcgov/feature-wizard3 Update 3513cd1
- and 44 more ...
kmandryk pushed 2 commits to stage bcgov/psa-job-store
kmandryk closed a pull request on bcgov/psa-job-store
add classification page, fix deployment pipeline
kmandryk opened a pull request on bcgov/psa-job-store
add classification page, fix deployment pipeline
kmandryk pushed 1 commit to km-patch-stage bcgov/psa-job-store
- add classification page, fix deployment pipeline 10baea6
kmandryk pushed 48 commits to km-patch-stage bcgov/psa-job-store
- Update don't show verification modal if the PR has been submitted before. 3a43136
- add mock services for testing Add mock CRM and PeopleSoft services to help with testing submissions. 768e566
- Merge branch 'develop' into feature/improve-testing fc66b62
- move test API data to file. 1a38710
- Merge pull request #847 from bcgov/feature/improve-testing Feature/improve testing fe26769
- Merge pull request #848 from bcgov/AL-944 Update 926c243
- Merge pull request #860 from bcgov/stage-patches Stage patches 9db7b73
- prevent user from change org chart on resubmit if position request is being re-submitted, user is now prevented from... ce76d3b
- org chart resubmission, minor fixes - AL-946 Re-submission org chart is incorrect: no longer attaching png when resu... 0333c31
- Merge pull request #862 from bcgov/feature-wizard3 Feature wizard3 2a3e865
- mock service updates fix for builds 5425929
- Merge pull request #863 from bcgov/feature/improve-testing mock service updates 7bf312f
- psql upgrade instructions 318ea2d
- deployment fix 05f45a6
- postgres cluster updates - increased resources - bumped version to 16 for psql ca1bbba
- Merge pull request #870 from bcgov/feature-wizard3 Feature wizard3 8417faf
- Update bb9f425
- Merge pull request #871 from bcgov/feature-wizard3 Update 3513cd1
- Merge pull request #861 from bcgov/develop Develop 5883c92
- Merge pull request #872 from bcgov/stage-patches Stage patches f35df10
- and 28 more ...
kmandryk opened a pull request on bcgov/psa-job-store
add support for employee based profile queries, add contact info
kmandryk created a branch on bcgov/psa-job-store
AL-812- - Welcome to the BC Public Service Agency's Job Store βeta, the all-in-one solution for navigating and managing your organizational chart with ease and efficiency. This tool is designed to streamline the way you view, edit, and create positions within your organization, all while integrating seamlessly with PeopleSoft and CRM systems.
kmandryk created a branch on bcgov/psa-job-store
AL-812 - Welcome to the BC Public Service Agency's Job Store βeta, the all-in-one solution for navigating and managing your organizational chart with ease and efficiency. This tool is designed to streamline the way you view, edit, and create positions within your organization, all while integrating seamlessly with PeopleSoft and CRM systems.
kmandryk pushed 2 commits to stage bcgov/psa-job-store
kmandryk created a branch on bcgov/psa-job-store
AL-1006 - Welcome to the BC Public Service Agency's Job Store βeta, the all-in-one solution for navigating and managing your organizational chart with ease and efficiency. This tool is designed to streamline the way you view, edit, and create positions within your organization, all while integrating seamlessly with PeopleSoft and CRM systems.
kmandryk pushed 11 commits to develop bcgov/psa-job-store
- Merge pull request #865 from bcgov/stage-patches Update header.component.tsx 98b631b
- Merge pull request #866 from bcgov/stage-patches Update department-filter.component.tsx 9c3f101
- Update job-profile.service.ts 73abbbe
- Merge pull request #867 from bcgov/km-patch-stage Update job-profile.service.ts 6b97425
- Merge pull request #869 from bcgov/stage-patches deployment fix beb6fb5
- Merge pull request #861 from bcgov/develop Develop 5883c92
- Update version [skip ci] d193b75
- infra resource changes + deplyoment bug fix 6b450f0
- Merge pull request #873 from bcgov/km-patch-stage infra resource changes + deplyoment bug fix b985d92
- Merge branch 'develop' into stage 998ad3b
- Merge pull request #876 from bcgov/stage Stage 7d5b806