Currently on Firefox mobile (specifically Android) when I check “list full addresses in the permissions popup” it will show both the shortened and expanded addresses, but it would be nice to be abl...
It's nice to see the full address but when it shows both “” form and “” form, for every other address it gets cluttered. I am new and probably don't fully under...
I 100% agree, and the explanation on their website for the removal is just a spaghetti of words that sound like a very dry justification for complete SMS removal. If they really wanted they could h...
I decided to check out the App Manager Telegram page, and one of the posts from this year from September, he was talking about MAJOR events going on in his country as well as losing his beloved gra...
After reading what the developer is going through, I have the most empathy and respect for him. With that being said, especially after getting a new phone, I am EXTREMELY EXCITED for a finalized re...
I really like your idea of a failsafe: Either a stable Tor connection or a forced failed connection to be able to safely keep apps offline until reconnected.
I really like your idea of a failsafe: Ether Stable Tor connection or forced failed connection to be able to safely keep apps offline until reconnected.