
Browse the timeline of events for every public repo on GitHub. Data updated hourly from GH Archive.


iFoyle starred TJYSunset/Phocid
iFoyle starred Ashinch/ReadYou
iFoyle starred localsend/localsend
iFoyle starred YangDai2003/OpenNote-Compose
iFoyle starred user-grinch/RivoPhoneApp
iFoyle starred siyuan-note/siyuan-android
iFoyle created a comment on an issue on rollerozxa/boxsmasher
Thank you for looking into this issue. Device: Nothing Phone (2a) Operating System: NOTHING OS 3.0 (Android 15) App Version: The F-Droid release, Box Smasher 1.1.0 Expected Behavior: The app shoul...

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iFoyle starred RoBoT095/printnotes
iFoyle starred rollerozxa/boxsmasher
iFoyle starred thunderbird/thunderbird-android
iFoyle starred yassineAbou/Clock
iFoyle starred muety/anchr-android
iFoyle starred you-apps/ClockYou
iFoyle starred vicolo-dev/chrono
iFoyle starred meenbeese/Chronos
iFoyle starred mvmike/min-cal-widget
iFoyle starred Yet-Zio/yetCalc
iFoyle starred polymorphicshade/Tubular
iFoyle starred gsantner/markor
iFoyle starred AumGupta/KWGT-Widgets
iFoyle starred Arcticons-Team/Arcticons
iFoyle starred FuturisticGoo/emotic
iFoyle starred you-apps/TranslateYou
iFoyle starred ManeraKai/simplytranslate_mobile
iFoyle starred AlfaazPlus/QuranApp
iFoyle starred lobehub/lobe-chat
iFoyle starred bwqr/mavinote
iFoyle starred 3zpnix/WriteOn
iFoyle starred tharunbirla/FetchIt
iFoyle starred samyak2403/Simple-Tube
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