
Browse the timeline of events for every public repo on GitHub. Data updated hourly from GH Archive.


hellvesper starred thomas-pegot/esp32-motion
hellvesper starred tale/headplane
hellvesper starred wagoodman/dive
hellvesper pushed 1 commit to master hellvesper/SuperGluePretrainedNetwork

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hellvesper starred seemoo-lab/openhaystack
hellvesper pushed 1 commit to master hellvesper/Hierarchical-Localization

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hellvesper created a comment on an issue on sipeed/MaixPy
Thanks! Will wait for update

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hellvesper closed an issue on sipeed/MaixPy
Can't use video frames with MaixPy due to unsupported format
The problem I think with unsupported YUV420 frames format/ I'm trying to use short video fragment with algorithms from MaixPy, I'm getting images from video according to `video.Decoder` example:...
hellvesper opened an issue on sipeed/MaixCDK
Commented code and disabled methods in Image class
I've found that there is realisation of FAST/AGAST algorithms but `find_keypoints()` returns me empty arrays, so I dig into MaixCDK code and found that this code disabled:
hellvesper opened an issue on sipeed/MaixPy
Can't use video frames with MaixPy due to unsupported format
The problem I thinks with unsupported YUV420 frames format/ I'm trying to use short video fragment with algorithms from MaixPy, I'm getting images from video according to `video.Decoder` example...
hellvesper opened an issue on sipeed/MaixCDK
teedoc - can't run local docs due to error "can not open file sidebar.yml"
Hi, I can't host local docs. I did steps according to . I have installed `teedoc` and plugins without issues. But running `se...
hellvesper created a comment on an issue on sipeed/MaixPy
> system already have BT driver, you can have a try。 here are two blog shared by community, use translation tool by brower to view: > > * hardware: > * software: ht...

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hellvesper starred ragultv/NanoTrack
hellvesper starred sophgo/tpu_compiler
hellvesper starred sipeed/MaixPy
hellvesper starred ETH-PBL/NanoSLAM
hellvesper starred ETH-PBL/TinyissimoYOLO
hellvesper starred weixr18/Pi-SLAM
hellvesper starred PurpleAlien/jk-bms_grafana
hellvesper starred HellerZheng/eigen
hellvesper pushed 7 commits to gps hellvesper/granite

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hellvesper closed a pull request on hellvesper/granite
hellvesper opened a pull request on hellvesper/granite
hellvesper created a branch on hellvesper/granite


hellvesper created a branch on hellvesper/granite


hellvesper forked DLR-RM/granite


hellvesper starred DLR-RM/granite
hellvesper starred tovask/ESP32-CAM
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