Browse the timeline of events for every public repo on GitHub. Data updated hourly from GH Archive.
frigvid pushed 1 commit to master frigvid/scripts-and-userstyles
- fix: Update Image Chest userstyle. 2ddd86a
frigvid pushed 16 commits to master frigvid/mob3000-group11
- snart ferdig 48975c8
- ferdig 5d805c7
- dobbeltsjekket farger. endret på noe 921ab7b
- alle kommentarer resolved eef11ea
- fikset småpirk og .idea/appInsightsSettings.xml f09c189
- theme endret. burde være greit nå 7e6c935
- profile og farge på tekst endret 5fdc2d1
- static farget endret til dynamisk og flere farger lagt til i theme og color 8a604aa
- ci: Merge branch 'master' into finalTheme 4a13855
- feat: Implement colors on the profile screen. 9d4a768
- chore: Indentation, TODOs. Disable faulty test case due to complexity of solution and lack of time. db0aeb8
- feat: Add a mailmap to ensure git logging outputs are correct. fd58615
- feat: Replace Log usage with Logger. 43fb821
- fix: Optimize imports. 09113de
- fix: Spacing. bee192e
- ci: Merge pull request #27 from frigvid/finalTheme Final theme 5668dc4
frigvid closed a pull request on frigvid/mob3000-group11
Final theme
colors are dynamic and finished implimented. except in ChessBoard.kt, since it uses other colorsfrigvid pushed 5 commits to finalTheme frigvid/mob3000-group11
frigvid pushed 76 commits to finalTheme frigvid/mob3000-group11
- test: implemented old test solution back 5175750
- added files like FriendRequestData, FriendRequestDataSource, FriendRequestRepository, FriendsDataSource and IFriendRe... e9b21c1
- added usecases, repositories for profile edit page, for usage during update of user information e1c855b
- fix: fixed datatype error 229798c
- feat: userinformation is passed from profileScreen to ProfileEdit 528e65f
- fix: fixed redundancy 4afb1ac
- created a use case and some functionality to get friends information a617d9b
- fix/refactoring: fixed some misplacment issues with call to tables. Had to make some supporter functions, but they wi... 0247cf1
- feat: update for userProfile 3e8b3ac
- added logic to send the user to the settings page(used for loging in) when the user try to access the profile page wh... cb67760
- feat: fetch all non-friends for addfriend. Need to implement the same for profile dc4ca38
- merge: merged with temp branch beacuse of issues 58c21a5
- Merge branch 'userProfile_endringer' of into userProfile_endringer # Conf... 3e224a2
- added a component for a single friend request, it includes a image placeholder, a accept and a decline button 68edaab
- added functionality to refresh profile page when changing from a user to another(by signing out and into another acco... 4a0542b
- feat: friendrequest feat added d03ea48
- mergeconflict: fixed, some redundancy but no biggie 07b5cf1
- removed unnecessary call to a function in profileViewModel f2e8f76
- feat: friendrequest accept/decline functionality implemented. CRUD are done, we now need to refactor and clean up all... 2b1e15b
- refactor: FriendRequestRepository 5a14865
- and 56 more ...
frigvid pushed 74 commits to master frigvid/mob3000-group11
- test: implemented old test solution back 5175750
- added files like FriendRequestData, FriendRequestDataSource, FriendRequestRepository, FriendsDataSource and IFriendRe... e9b21c1
- added usecases, repositories for profile edit page, for usage during update of user information e1c855b
- fix: fixed datatype error 229798c
- feat: userinformation is passed from profileScreen to ProfileEdit 528e65f
- fix: fixed redundancy 4afb1ac
- created a use case and some functionality to get friends information a617d9b
- fix/refactoring: fixed some misplacment issues with call to tables. Had to make some supporter functions, but they wi... 0247cf1
- feat: update for userProfile 3e8b3ac
- added logic to send the user to the settings page(used for loging in) when the user try to access the profile page wh... cb67760
- feat: fetch all non-friends for addfriend. Need to implement the same for profile dc4ca38
- merge: merged with temp branch beacuse of issues 58c21a5
- Merge branch 'userProfile_endringer' of into userProfile_endringer # Conf... 3e224a2
- added a component for a single friend request, it includes a image placeholder, a accept and a decline button 68edaab
- added functionality to refresh profile page when changing from a user to another(by signing out and into another acco... 4a0542b
- feat: friendrequest feat added d03ea48
- mergeconflict: fixed, some redundancy but no biggie 07b5cf1
- removed unnecessary call to a function in profileViewModel f2e8f76
- feat: friendrequest accept/decline functionality implemented. CRUD are done, we now need to refactor and clean up all... 2b1e15b
- refactor: FriendRequestRepository 5a14865
- and 54 more ...
frigvid closed a pull request on frigvid/mob3000-group11
added some kdocs, for new components made recently, and description for to explain how newly made components work,frigvid pushed 1 commit to userProfile_endringer frigvid/mob3000-group11
- fix: Indentation, spacing. 7b48023
frigvid pushed 1 commit to userProfile_endringer frigvid/mob3000-group11
- fix: Indentation/spacing. 0e65b5e
frigvid pushed 1 commit to userProfile_endringer frigvid/mob3000-group11
- fix: Missing docstring, parameter KDoc properties. 64a1fea
frigvid pushed 1 commit to userProfile_endringer frigvid/mob3000-group11
- fix: KDoc created property does not need to have a colon. dcde6da
frigvid pushed 1 commit to userProfile_endringer frigvid/mob3000-group11
- fix: Spacing, docstring. 86edf08