Replacing the `Color.Red` with `MaterialTheme.colorScheme.`'s `error` or `onError` would be a nice touch. The color scheme parameter can simply be set to `Color.Red` for now.
There are still a myriad of style issues that have not been fixed. These are not difficult, and shouldn't take more than 15~30 minutes to clean up.
There are also unnecessary files still committ...
There are still a myriad of style issues that have not been fixed. These are not difficult, and shouldn't take more than 15~30 minutes to clean up.
There are also unnecessary files still committ...
Incorrectly placed descriptive docstring. Should be before `@author` with an empty line separating the two. E.g.
* Converts a [ProfileDto] to a [UserProfile].
* @author Hu...
This is not a return data type, it's a class implementing/extending something. This is incorrect. Starting bracket for the class is also incorrectly spaced.