Browse the timeline of events for every public repo on GitHub. Data updated hourly from GH Archive.
frankcalise created a repository: frankcalise/expo-nitro-module
frankcalise created a comment on an issue on infinitered/ignite
@duonghungit24 you can always grab the ignite/templates directory for the latest templates or utilize the update command: But often ti...
frankcalise created a comment on an issue on infinitered/ignite
> > > > > > hey @duonghungit24 you can not do this, we believe Expo gives us the best experience for building apps. You have a couple of options: > > > > 1. Copy most of Ignite's file structur...
frankcalise created a comment on an issue on infinitered/ignite
@Off2Race hey, thanks for the post! this isn't already in the works, so if you'd like to give it a go yourself we'd be happy to review a PR
frankcalise created a comment on an issue on infinitered/ignite
hey @duonghungit24 you can not do this, we believe Expo gives us the best experience for building apps. You have a couple of options: 1. Copy most of Ignite's file structure, components, etc int...
frankcalise closed an issue on infinitered/ignite
Create new project
how to create a new project that i do not use expo with react native barefrankcalise closed an issue on infinitered/reactotron
Version 5.1.9 iOS release builds failing on old architecture
### Describe the bug After upgrading the package from 5.1.8 to 5.1.9 and creating a release build on iOS, the build is created and installed on the simulator. But as soon as it opens, it crashe...frankcalise pushed 1 commit to master infinitered/reactotron
- fix(reactotron-react-native): only set DevMenu when in __DEV__ (#1527 by @frankcalise and @joshuayoes) ## Please ver... 5f692ac
frankcalise closed a pull request on infinitered/reactotron
fix(reactotron-react-native): only set DevMenu when in __DEV__
## Please verify the following: - [x] `yarn build-and-test:local` passes - [ ] I have added tests for any new features, if relevant - [ ] `` (or relevant documentation) has been updat...frankcalise pushed 1 commit to frankcalise/fix-1513 infinitered/reactotron
- fix(example-app): proper call d101aaf
frankcalise closed a pull request on infinitered/ignite
fix: use PixelRatio for AutoImage values
## Please verify the following: - [x] `yarn test` **jest** tests pass with new tests, if relevant - [x] `yarn lint` **eslint** checks pass with new code, if relevant - [x] `yarn format:check` ...frankcalise created a comment on a pull request on infinitered/reactotron
@yurik256 thanks for the contribution! Do you have the time to make the requested changes by Nick? If not let us know and we can try to bring it up to speed.
frankcalise opened a pull request on infinitered/reactotron
fix(reactotron-react-native): only set DevMenu when in __DEV__
## Please verify the following: - [ ] `yarn build-and-test:local` passes - [ ] I have added tests for any new features, if relevant - [ ] `` (or relevant documentation) has been updat...frankcalise created a branch on infinitered/reactotron
frankcalise/fix-1513 - A desktop app for inspecting your React JS and React Native projects. macOS, Linux, and Windows.