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frankcalise created a comment on an issue on infinitered/ignite
Closing issue from no response, please re-open if you're still experiencing trouble.
frankcalise closed an issue on infinitered/ignite
Use `10.1.0`Init a ignite app, run build:ios:sim,get `Failed to create the native directories` error.
### Describe the bug ```bash [RUN_EXPO_DOCTOR] Running 15 checks on your project... [RUN_EXPO_DOCTOR] ✔ Check package.json for common issues [RUN_EXPO_DOCTOR] ✔ Check Expo config for common iss...frankcalise created a comment on an issue on infinitered/ignite
This should be closed now by #2883
frankcalise closed an issue on infinitered/ignite
Default settings compatibility issue: eslint-plugin-n
### Describe the bug Installing the boilerplate with: `npx ignite-cli@latest new PizzaApp`, and accepting all the default settings leads to a compatibility issue while doing my first `npm install`...frankcalise created a comment on an issue on infinitered/ignite
Can you run other Expo applications on Android via `npx create-expo-app@latest` ?
frankcalise created a comment on an issue on infinitered/ignite
I don't think so, the file is here: Not sure how/when you deleted it or if you originally opted out of MST, etc. Glad it's ...
frankcalise closed an issue on infinitered/ignite
Error: file not found app/models/index.ts
### Describe the bug I've been following this article: All was well (the app successfully started on Androi...frankcalise created a comment on an issue on infinitered/ignite
hi @Tyrn - do you have a file `index.ts` in `app/models`? if not you might need to create one
frankcalise created a comment on an issue on infinitered/ignite
Your JDK version seems too high, try 17
frankcalise created a branch on infinitered/ignite
docs/fix-rn76 - Infinite Red's battle-tested React Native project boilerplate, along with a CLI, component/model generators, and more! 9 years of continuous development and counting.
frankcalise closed a pull request on infinitered/ignite
fix(boilerplate): App.tsx -> index.tsx
## Please verify the following: - [x] `yarn test` **jest** tests pass with new tests, if relevant - [x] `yarn lint` **eslint** checks pass with new code, if relevant - [x] `yarn format:check` ...frankcalise opened a pull request on bluesky-social/social-app
fix(android): bump react-native-date-picker for dark mode button support
## Description - Closes #4220 (related - Fixes issue on Android where the `Cancel` / `Confirm` buttons were hard to see in Dark Mode - Bumps `react-native-date-picker` to adopt the change that f...frankcalise created a branch on frankcalise/bsky-social-app
frankcalise/fix-4220 - The Bluesky Social application for Web, iOS, and Android
frankcalise pushed 3 commits to frankcalise/fix-App-to-index infinitered/ignite
- fix(boilerplate): simplify ESLint config (#2883 by @coolsoftwaretyler) * fix: drop eslint plugin n * fix: drop es... 2ab0092
- chore(release): 10.1.3 [skip ci] ## [10.1.3]( (2025-... 53cae70
- Merge branch 'master' into frankcalise/fix-App-to-index 2f47a62
frankcalise created a review on a pull request on infinitered/ignite
This looks good to me. I know you didn't modify it but mind removing the `format` script from `package.json` in `boilerplate`? It seems to be a duplicate of `lint`. Since we have `lint:check` seems...
frankcalise created a review on a pull request on infinitered/ignite
This looks good to me. I know you didn't modify it but mind removing the `format` script from `package.json` in `boilerplate`? It seems to be a duplicate of `lint`. Since we have `lint:check` seems...
frankcalise pushed 1 commit to frankcalise/fix-App-to-index infinitered/ignite
- test: fix package json script expectation 3c01e4e
frankcalise pushed 1 commit to frankcalise/fix-App-to-index infinitered/ignite
- test: update test for entry point rework cd771b8
frankcalise pushed 1 commit to frankcalise/fix-App-to-index infinitered/ignite
- fix(boilerplate): run scripts update 5f3fb28
frankcalise created a comment on an issue on infinitered/ignite
@solomonmulatu Great glad you got unblocked, happy coding!
frankcalise closed an issue on infinitered/ignite
Error: Failed to create a new MMKV instance: The native MMKV Module could not be found.
### Describe the bug After i downloaded the packages when i try to run it in expo go i got this error (NOBRIDGE) LOG Bridgeless mode is enabled (NOBRIDGE) ERROR Error: Failed to create a ne...frankcalise created a comment on an issue on infinitered/ignite
I think this should be fixed by #2881, so closing for now but feel free to re-open the issue if still stuck.
frankcalise closed an issue on infinitered/ignite
"Unable to resolve module: none of these files exist: [path]/AppEntry"
### Describe the bug I am starting a fresh React Native project based on the documentation [here]( and [here]( created a branch on infinitered/ignite
frankcalise/fix-App-to-index - Infinite Red's battle-tested React Native project boilerplate, along with a CLI, component/model generators, and more! 9 years of continuous development and counting.