
Browse the timeline of events for every public repo on GitHub. Data updated hourly from GH Archive.


enduringstack starred apple/ToolSandbox
enduringstack starred OSU-NLP-Group/UGround
enduringstack starred bin123apple/MACM
enduringstack starred CodeLinaro/llama.cpp
enduringstack starred UbiquitousLearning/DroidCall
enduringstack starred thunlp/ProactiveAgent
enduringstack closed an issue on THUDM/GLM-Edge
请问glm edge为什么不采用glm4的结构,是基于推理硬件友好考虑,还是效果上的考虑?
### Feature request / 功能建议 请问glm edge为什么不采用glm4的结构,是基于推理硬件友好考虑,还是效果上的考虑? ### Motivation / 动机 请问glm edge为什么不采用glm4的结构,是基于推理硬件友好考虑,还是效果上的考虑? ### Your contribution / 您的贡献 na
enduringstack created a comment on an issue on THUDM/GLM-Edge
感谢回复。目前看到端侧是decode的结构了,而glm应该是encoder的结构,这两者在部署态他们的结构差异在哪里呢 @zRzRzRzRzRzRzR

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enduringstack opened an issue on THUDM/GLM-Edge
请问glm edge为什么不采用glm4的结构,是基于推理硬件友好考虑,还是效果上的考虑?
### Feature request / 功能建议 请问glm edge为什么不采用glm4的结构,是基于推理硬件友好考虑,还是效果上的考虑? ### Motivation / 动机 请问glm edge为什么不采用glm4的结构,是基于推理硬件友好考虑,还是效果上的考虑? ### Your contribution / 您的贡献 na
enduringstack starred microsoft/DirectML
enduringstack opened an issue on THUDM/GLM-Edge
### Feature request / 功能建议 求个QNN/OpenVINO适配教程 ### Motivation / 动机 端侧大模型部署 ### Your contribution / 您的贡献 端侧大模型部署
enduringstack starred THUDM/GLM-Edge
enduringstack starred AIDC-AI/Marco-o1
enduringstack starred intel/intel-npu-acceleration-library
enduringstack starred OS-Copilot/OS-Atlas
enduringstack starred OSU-NLP-Group/SeeAct
enduringstack created a comment on an issue on THUDM/Android-Lab
Hello,the question, when will the training set be released? We would like to reproduce the results.

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enduringstack starred mnotgod96/AppAgent
enduringstack starred THUDM/WebRL
enduringstack starred bytedance/ShadowKV
enduringstack starred apple/security-pcc
enduringstack starred smpanaro/coreml-llm-cli
enduringstack starred Tencent/Hunyuan3D-1
enduringstack starred THUDM/Android-Lab
enduringstack created a comment on an issue on microsoft/UFO
after fix some bugs,now it run ok.

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enduringstack closed an issue on microsoft/UFO
error with Learning from User Demonstration
HostAgent and Appagent both using qwen-vl-max model。 `API_TYPE: "Qwen" , API_KEY: "sk-", API_MODEL: "qwen-vl-max", ` 2. execute the command: python -m record_processor -r "calc sin30" -p ...
enduringstack opened an issue on microsoft/UFO
error with Learning from User Demonstration
1. HostAgent and Appagent both using qwen-vl-max model。 `API_TYPE: "Qwen" , API_KEY: "sk-", API_MODEL: "qwen-vl-max", ` 2. execute the command: python -m record_processor -r "calc sin30" ...
enduringstack starred microsoft/autogen
enduringstack starred Blaizzy/mlx-embeddings
enduringstack starred jkrukowski/swift-embeddings
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