Browse the timeline of events for every public repo on GitHub. Data updated hourly from GH Archive.
elevchyt pushed 1 commit to 731-allow-users-to-comment-on-ads-and-creatives adsviewer/turboviewer
- ad previews fix 5ec16cb
elevchyt pushed 4 commits to 731-allow-users-to-comment-on-ads-and-creatives adsviewer/turboviewer
- 732: integrate with posthog (#733) * 732: integrate with posthog * 732: integrate with posthog 064712b
- 710 pinterest authentication (#729) * Feat: Added pinterest auth * Feat: Authentication for pinterest * Feat: ... f2d6a93
- Revert "724: retry failed reports (#725)" This reverts commit 6688fd98bec0a8608ea4d4e7c00e91989030b3ab. 49140fb
- comments for adIds 4ede945
elevchyt pushed 1 commit to 731-allow-users-to-comment-on-ads-and-creatives adsviewer/turboviewer
- comments for adIds a5f20a5
elevchyt deleted a branch adsviewer/turboviewer
elevchyt closed an issue on adsviewer/turboviewer
add default date range in analytical view of insights
Currently, this works only in the summary view.elevchyt closed an issue on adsviewer/turboviewer
user preferences
Let's add "per user" preferences. The users should be able to have some settings set tailored to their needs. For example, will be a user-spe...elevchyt closed an issue on adsviewer/turboviewer
Select grid size (number of previews per row)
Priority 2 (low) We have received requests to make the amount of previews per row flexible, user defined - some users have large monitors and would prefer maybe 4,5 or 6 per row vs. 3 which is ...elevchyt pushed 1 commit to main adsviewer/turboviewer
- get and update insights per row user preferences (#720) * get and update insights per row user preferences * impr... faf1dd1
elevchyt closed a pull request on adsviewer/turboviewer
get and update insights per row user preferences
Adds preferences per user. At the moment, there is only an `insightsPerRow` preference which does what says.elevchyt created a review comment on a pull request on adsviewer/turboviewer
refresh or do pnpm dev again, it's something in your local
elevchyt created a branch on adsviewer/turboviewer
728-small-animation-pass - A bunch of cool stuff for viewing, optimizing and growing your digital ad portfolio.
elevchyt opened an issue on adsviewer/turboviewer
small animation pass
There are a few improvements I want to make so that the UI transitions become a bit smoother.elevchyt pushed 2 commits to 726-add-default-date-range-in-analytical-view-of-insights adsviewer/turboviewer
elevchyt pushed 1 commit to 726-add-default-date-range-in-analytical-view-of-insights adsviewer/turboviewer
- default date range in analytical view 92451c2
elevchyt created a branch on adsviewer/turboviewer
726-add-default-date-range-in-analytical-view-of-insights - A bunch of cool stuff for viewing, optimizing and growing your digital ad portfolio.
elevchyt opened an issue on adsviewer/turboviewer
add default date range in analytical view of insights
Currently, this works only in the summary view.elevchyt pushed 2 commits to 716-user-preferences adsviewer/turboviewer
elevchyt pushed 1 commit to 716-user-preferences adsviewer/turboviewer
- get and update insights per row user preferences 2c89163
elevchyt deleted a branch adsviewer/turboviewer
elevchyt closed an issue on adsviewer/turboviewer
Minimum / Maximum filters for fine tuning searches
Ads Viewer bot APP 11:47 AM New Feedback Received: Type: **Feature Suggestion** Message: It should be possible to filter out / reduce results based on minimum / maximum. For example, orderin...elevchyt pushed 1 commit to main adsviewer/turboviewer
- thresholds layout & logic (#719) * thresholds layout & logic * added thresholds to top ads, too * 719: fix min... 91b5ae0