Browse the timeline of events for every public repo on GitHub. Data updated hourly from GH Archive.
eiTeyTrainers pushed 1 commit to WizardAnimations DuppahMeamnim/Space-Wizards
- flipped animation and scale fix 3230946
eiTeyTrainers pushed 6 commits to WizardAnimations DuppahMeamnim/Space-Wizards
eiTeyTrainers pushed 1 commit to WizardAnimations DuppahMeamnim/Space-Wizards
- removed blank line 0301ecc
eiTeyTrainers pushed 7 commits to dev DuppahMeamnim/Space-Wizards
eiTeyTrainers pushed 1 commit to PlayerMovement DuppahMeamnim/Space-Wizards
- Update TestingScene.unity 12d0e5c
eiTeyTrainers pushed 1 commit to PlayerMovement DuppahMeamnim/Space-Wizards
- Update PlayerController.cs 3a6838a
eiTeyTrainers pushed 1 commit to PlayerMovement DuppahMeamnim/Space-Wizards
- no require component dcea125
eiTeyTrainers pushed 1 commit to PlayerMovement DuppahMeamnim/Space-Wizards
- made it force based 4cd6805
eiTeyTrainers pushed 1 commit to PlayerMovement DuppahMeamnim/Space-Wizards
- added and created movement and player and folders 18a0bda
eiTeyTrainers created a branch on DuppahMeamnim/Space-Wizards
PlayerMovement - Game about wizards in space
eiTeyTrainers pushed 1 commit to Info-Button-Animation DuppahMeamnim/DMGuesser
- Info is Bouncing f0b404e
eiTeyTrainers pushed 1 commit to help DuppahMeamnim/DMGuesser
- added additional information text for byp ressing the image 20cef36
eiTeyTrainers created a comment on a pull request on DuppahMeamnim/DMGuesser
this si good for the soul
eiTeyTrainers created a comment on a pull request on DuppahMeamnim/DMGuesser
give me money
eiTeyTrainers created a comment on a pull request on DuppahMeamnim/DMGuesser
push it please
eiTeyTrainers pushed 1 commit to help DuppahMeamnim/DMGuesser
- instructions pop up + donations button 9b8c258
eiTeyTrainers pushed 1 commit to help DuppahMeamnim/DMGuesser
- added instructiuons popup. no best cce5531
eiTeyTrainers pushed 16 commits to dev DuppahMeamnim/DMGuesser
- added numpad normal 7dc28a2
- fix d3ae71c
- merged from dev 065ba0b
- i did stuff good da70120
- i did good c2a5c15
- Merge branch 'dev' of into keyboard-main d89054b
- Merge pull request #4 from DuppahMeamnim/keyboard-main numpad main d0cb402
- fixed df3f559
- Merge branch 'main' of ecb5fd6
- fuck you 4627162
- asd 392b04b
- asd b408ad1
- yea c89f03e
- asd 0234df5
- asd a7ef565
- dvh aecbc38