
Browse the timeline of events for every public repo on GitHub. Data updated hourly from GH Archive.


brinhosa starred walkxcode/dashboard-icons
brinhosa starred ki3n/easy-application
brinhosa starred OlivierBinette/Awesome-Entity-Resolution
brinhosa pushed 1 commit to main brinhosa/brinhosa

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brinhosa starred rohitcoder/hawk-eye
brinhosa starred JoaoPauloF/Operating-System
brinhosa starred P-H-C/phc-winner-argon2
brinhosa starred ElianBelot/web-voyager
brinhosa starred MinorJerry/WebVoyager
brinhosa starred projectdiscovery/nuclei-templates-ai
brinhosa forked google/vanir


brinhosa starred google/vanir
brinhosa starred bitbomdev/minefield
brinhosa starred 0xor0ne/awesome-list
brinhosa starred LadybirdBrowser/ladybird
brinhosa starred santosomar/RAG-for-cybersecurity
brinhosa starred advanced-security/qlsh
brinhosa starred steel-dev/steel-browser
brinhosa starred EmergenceAI/Agent-E
brinhosa starred edoardottt/secfiles
brinhosa starred princeton-nlp/SWE-agent
brinhosa pushed 1 commit to main brinhosa/brinhosa

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brinhosa starred dedezinholindo/BugBountyTools
brinhosa starred ntegrals/aura-voice
brinhosa starred projectdiscovery/urlfinder
brinhosa starred CERT-Polska/n6
brinhosa starred freelancermijan/reconengine
brinhosa opened a pull request on brinhosa/scancode
Create ScanCode platform
This PR adds the initial implementation of the ScanCode platform, a secure code scanning solution similar to GitGuardian. Features: - Django backend with REST API - React frontend with Material-UI...
brinhosa pushed 2 commits to create-scancode-platform brinhosa/scancode
  • Initial commit d22f05f
  • Initial commit: Create ScanCode platform with Django backend and React frontend aa9395a

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