
Browse the timeline of events for every public repo on GitHub. Data updated hourly from GH Archive.


alinacherkas starred scikit-image/scikit-image
alinacherkas starred microsoft/vscode
alinacherkas starred vega/altair
alinacherkas starred keras-team/keras-hub
alinacherkas starred keras-team/keras
alinacherkas starred opencv/opencv-python
alinacherkas starred apache/arrow
alinacherkas starred plotly/plotly.R
alinacherkas starred posit-dev/positron
alinacherkas starred posit-dev/py-shiny
alinacherkas starred rstudio/shiny
alinacherkas starred scikit-learn/scikit-learn
alinacherkas starred streamlit/streamlit
alinacherkas starred plotly/
alinacherkas starred SebKrantz/collapse
alinacherkas starred pandas-dev/pandas
alinacherkas pushed 4 commits to master alinacherkas/collapse
  • Should not be affected by global options. cfc25e4
  • Minors efficiency. 18b5473
  • Merge pull request #656 from SebKrantz/development Development 620d7ff
  • Merge pull request #655 from alinacherkas/master Fix `recode_char` when `regex` and `default` are set 15f2d3b

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alinacherkas opened a pull request on SebKrantz/collapse
Fix `recode_char` when `regex` and `default` are set
Fixes #654.
alinacherkas pushed 2 commits to master alinacherkas/collapse
  • fix(recode_char): correct replacements with `regex` and `default` 28c50e2
  • test: add more tests for `recode_char` 87e8464

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alinacherkas opened an issue on SebKrantz/collapse
`recode_char` incorrectly replaces values when `regex` and `default` are both set
### Describe the bug When using `recode_char` with `regex` set to `TRUE` and `default` value specified, the function incorrectly handles replacements. It seems that the issue is related to indic...