
Browse the timeline of events for every public repo on GitHub. Data updated hourly from GH Archive.


Sickhead01 starred Goldenfreddy0703/Otaku-Testing
Sickhead01 starred dtankdempse/streamed-su-sports
Sickhead01 created a comment on an issue on inotia00/ReVanced_Extended
> One of the most well-known reasons was that it took too long to wait for the Github API response. - This bug has been fixed in RVX Manager 1.20.2. I'm still having this issue on 1.23.4 and 1.2...

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Sickhead01 starred termux/termux-app
Sickhead01 created a comment on an issue on Goldenfreddy0703/Otaku-Testing
Did you happen to authorize through the Account Manager addon? I tried that at first and it wouldn't work. Had to add it in Otaku's setting

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Sickhead01 starred Goldenfreddy0703/Otaku-Testing
Sickhead01 opened an issue on Goldenfreddy0703/Otaku
Neither Real Debrid nor All Debrid working since the "RD fix" update
I have both AD and RD enable and ever since the last update i'm only hetting embedded links: ![PXL_20241127_152757224~2](
Sickhead01 starred dtankdempse/free-iptv-channels
Sickhead01 starred dtankdempse/moveonjoy-m3u
Sickhead01 starred dtankdempse/methstreams-m3u
Sickhead01 starred decipher3114/Revancify
Sickhead01 starred iptv-org/epg
Sickhead01 starred inotia00/revanced-patches
Sickhead01 starred z-huang/InnerTune
Sickhead01 created a comment on an issue on ReVanced/revanced-patches
Then add the feature to disable it entirely. It's annoying when trying to turn up the volume by swiping and it comes up. The other patches like RVX get ride of it entirely with that same toggle

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Sickhead01 opened an issue on ReVanced/revanced-patches
The "Disable related video in quick actions" doesnt work
### Bug description It's not a new issue. It's been this way since forever. I have the toggles enabled yet when i swipe up the related videos still come up. ![Image](
Sickhead01 starred shadps4-emu/shadPS4
Sickhead01 starred ReVanced/revanced-patcher
Sickhead01 starred dtankdempse/daddylive-m3u
Sickhead01 starred dtankdempse/streamed-su-sports
Sickhead01 starred iptv-org/iptv
Sickhead01 starred deniscerri/ytdlnis
Sickhead01 starred M2Team/NanaZip
Sickhead01 starred ElPumpo/TinyNvidiaUpdateChecker
Sickhead01 starred dtankdempse/thetvapp-m3u
Sickhead01 starred globocom/m3u8
Sickhead01 starred Docile-Alligator/Infinity-For-Reddit
Sickhead01 starred Termux-Monet/termux-monet