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Sahl1 starred HemantKArya/BloomeeTunes
Sahl1 created a comment on an issue on fast4x/RiMusic
in the playlist page click the circle button that looks like a refresh button. hope that solves your problem

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Sahl1 opened an issue on khaled-0/TubeSync
This is awesome dude !
When I saw the feature of being able to see the music video as well as listen to it oflline, I know this will be a hit among the music community. I will be waiting for the updates. Keep up the good...
Sahl1 starred khaled-0/TubeSync
Sahl1 starred BrightDV/BlackHole
Sahl1 starred deniscerri/ytdlnis
Sahl1 starred yt-dlp/yt-dlp