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RafaelJust pushed 2 commits to master RafaelJust/Hyprland-dotfiles
RafaelJust closed an issue on jobobby04/TachiyomiSY
Sub-option to mark skipped duplicate chapters as read.
### Describe your suggested feature Since there is already an feature to skip duplicate chapters while reading, would it be possible to add a sub-options to automatically mark the skipped chapters...RafaelJust created a comment on an issue on jobobby04/TachiyomiSY
Whoops Turns out I'm blind and the option was there all along :/ Sorry.
RafaelJust pushed 1 commit to master RafaelJust/Hyprland-dotfiles
- Update keyboard shortcuts 624b616
RafaelJust opened an issue on jobobby04/TachiyomiSY
Sub-option to mark skipped duplicate chapters as read.
### Describe your suggested feature Since there is already an feature to skip duplicate chapters while reading, would it be possible to add a sub-options to automatically mark the skipped chapters...RafaelJust created a comment on an issue on hyprwm/hyprland-plugins
After updating to newest commit, and using uwsm, the issue fixed itself somehow :D
RafaelJust closed an issue on hyprwm/hyprland-plugins
Hyprland freezing completely after enabling any plugin
I have used hyprwinwrap a lot for my setup, but since yesterday, if hyprwinwrap is enabled, my entire system just freezes, and i need to disable it in a tty with `hyprpm disable -f hyprwinwrap`. W...RafaelJust opened an issue on hyprwm/hyprland-plugins
Hyprland freezing completely after enabling hyprwinwrap
I have used hyprwinwrap a lot for my setup, but since yesterday, if hyprwinwrap is enabled, my entire system just freezes, and i need to disable it in a tty with `hyprpm disable -f hyprwinwrap`. W...RafaelJust pushed 1 commit to master RafaelJust/Hyprland-dotfiles
- Removed dependencies that were installed by hyprland automatically 0c017e0
RafaelJust pushed 2 commits to master RafaelJust/Hyprland-dotfiles
RafaelJust pushed 1 commit to master RafaelJust/Hyprland-dotfiles
- Removed arch module as it was sgiving aligment problems 8f7c041