
Browse the timeline of events for every public repo on GitHub. Data updated hourly from GH Archive.


Korb opened an issue on IsThereAnyDeal/AugmentedSteam
[FEATURE REQUEST] Permanent list of `Tags to Exclude`
### Current Behavior (if any) Currently, there is a setting in Store preferences called Tags To Exclude, which allows you to always ignore games with specified tags (**up to 10**). Additionally, y...
Korb opened an issue on IsThereAnyDeal/AugmentedSteam
[FEATURE REQUEST] Make links in `Notes` clickable
### Current Behavior (if any) URLs inserted into the text of a note remain dead. To follow them, you have to enter the note editing mode, select the link, open a new browser tab, paste the copied ...
Korb created a comment on an issue on herzhenr/simple-wake-on-lan
@B0ycee, so, subj — `not planned`?

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Korb created a comment on an issue on net4people/bbs
> if it's not broken, don't fix it Apparently, there really are people for whom the concept of FR is alien by its very nature. If the stick is intact, continue using the stick. If the stick b...

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Korb closed an issue on microsoft/PowerToys
Support `.ion`-files in Peek
### Description of the new feature / enhancement First of all, a quick look at **descript.ion** files. ### Scenario when this would be used? View a commented list of the contents of the current ...
Korb created a comment on an issue on microsoft/PowerToys
@asif4318, I confirm, in PowerToys (Preview) 0.87.1 x64 `.ion`-files open correctly in Peek. @octastylos-pseudodipteros, thank you!

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Korb opened an issue on net4people/bbs
Использовать Discussions вместо Issues
I suggest considering the possibility of creating [a Discussions section]( in [bbs](, moving all Issues to it and del...
Korb created a comment on an issue on tobexyz/yaacc-code
> now it is possible to change the language for the app. In version 4.2.1?

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Korb created a comment on an issue on rcaelers/workrave
@sciencewhiz, now I get it. Preferences / User interface / General / Options / Block mode: Block input and screen — is a good workaround that uses a solid black screen fill outside the Workrave win...

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Korb closed an issue on QSPFoundation/qspider
[FR] qSpider Portable
### Description It is currently unclear which of the files in `Releases` is portable for Windows. The word `portable` is not explicitly mentioned. I guess it could be `qspider-player-standalone....
Korb closed an issue on winghongchan/dark-docs
"Page setup" mesage text color
With Dark Docs: ![Screenshot_2023-04-10_10-33-45]( Without Dark Docs: ![Screenshot_2023-04-...
Korb closed an issue on winghongchan/dark-docs
The `Add shortcut to Drive?` window is displayed in light theme
![Screenshot 2024-12-10 at 18-48-47 Streisand (RIP) - Google Docs]( Dark Docs 2024.11.28 Stylus 1.5.51 (August 22...
Korb closed an issue on winghongchan/dark-docs
"Borders and shading" window text color
Dark Docs 2023.04.10: ![Screenshot_2023-04-11_10-20-33]( Without Dark Docs: ![Screenshot_20...
Korb closed an issue on winghongchan/dark-docs
Tab rename colors
![2024-12-11_20-35-08]( > Foreground: `#444746` > Background: `#1F1F1F` > Contrast ratio: 1.755:1 > 1.4.3 Contr...
Korb opened an issue on QSPFoundation/qspider
[FR] qSpider Portable
### Description It is currently unclear which of the files in `Releases` is portable for Windows. The word `portable` is not explicitly mentioned. I guess it could be `qspider-player-standalone....
Korb starred QSPFoundation/qspgui
Korb closed an issue on QSPFoundation/qsp
Add Github `Releases` Now: > There aren’t any releases here > You can create a release to package software, along with release notes and links to binary files, for ot...
Korb opened an issue on IsThereAnyDeal/AugmentedSteam
[FEATURE REQUEST] Add `Separator` (horizontal line) to custom links list
### Current Behavior (if any) All links are displayed in one uniform list. ### Desired Behavior The list can be divided into parts by grouping links by type. ### Motivation / Use Case for C...
Korb opened an issue on IsThereAnyDeal/AugmentedSteam
[FEATURE REQUEST] Drag and drop `[Name | URL | Icon]` blocks
### Current Behavior (if any) There is no way to quickly change the order of custom external links on game pages. This is critical when there are more than a dozen of them. ### Desired Behavior...
Korb closed an issue on Reveritus/HotdogEd
Add `HotdogEd ` to F-Droid
> F-Droid is a free and open source app store and software repository for Android, serving a similar function to the Google Play store. The main repository, hosted by the project, contains only fre...
Korb opened an issue on gavrilovegor519/fidoip-ng
Publish compiled binaries to `Releases`
Not all users are programmers (most are not), have software installed to compile an application from source code, and know how to use this software. However, Github provides a very convenient way f...
Korb opened an issue on IsThereAnyDeal/AugmentedSteam
[BUG] History Price Overview does not take into account cross-currency rates
![Screenshot 2024-12-21 at 16-02-43 Price History - The Long Dark - IsThereAnyDeal]( ![Screenshot 2024-12-21 at 16-0...
Korb opened an issue on joshmn/caffeinate
Add a white stroke to the logo
Currently, without a white stroke, the logo is difficult to read in a dark color theme: ![Нет светлой окантовки лоотипа](
Korb opened an issue on hstr0100/GDownloader
One settings for all sites
Currently, the `Resolution and Quality` tab contains 14 blocks that are completely independent of each other. That is, about one hundred and fifty settings in total. Personally, I don't care whe...
Korb opened an issue on hstr0100/GDownloader
Rename the `Youtube` block in the `Resolution and Quality` settings tab to `YouTube Videos`
That is, use the terms of the `Type` search filter on YouTube itself: ![Screenshot 2024-12-21 at 10-26-07 GDownloader - YouTube](
Korb closed an issue on btpf/Alexandria
Move to the next page by pressing `Space`
I suggest considering the possibility of scrolling forward by `Space` keyboard button. At present, this action is not assigned to any action.
Korb closed an issue on btpf/Alexandria
Turn pages using the `Page Up` / `Page Down`
I suggest considering the possibility of scrolling in the "Single Column" and "Double Column" Display modes by `Page Up` / `Page Down` keyboard buttons. At present, this action is not assigned to a...
Korb opened an issue on andreyshv/DjvuReader
Add Github `Releases` Now: > There aren’t any releases here > You can create a release to package software, along with release notes and links to binary files, for...
Korb opened an issue on praharshjain/Vudit-Desktop
Add Github `Releases` Now: > There aren’t any releases here > You can create a release to package software, along with release notes and links to binary file...
Korb opened an issue on raspopov/WinDjView
Add Github `Releases` Now: > There aren’t any releases here > You can create a release to package software, along with release notes and links to binary files, for o...
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