Browse the timeline of events for every public repo on GitHub. Data updated hourly from GH Archive.
I-SpiTfire-U pushed 1 commit to master Welord919/NaturiumMod
- Updated the mod description and version. 9bc106c
I-SpiTfire-U pushed 2 commits to master Welord919/NaturiumMod
I-SpiTfire-U pushed 1 commit to master Welord919/NaturiumMod
- Fixed a weird bug that was happening with the localization file. 72f820c
I-SpiTfire-U pushed 1 commit to master Welord919/NaturiumMod
- Renamed every instance of 'ModdingGang' to the name of the mod. e0f914f
I-SpiTfire-U pushed 2 commits to master Welord919/NaturiumMod
I-SpiTfire-U pushed 1 commit to master Welord919/NaturiumMod
- Added a useless function to BarkionsBuff.cs e242fa1