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Gitstar-OC created a comment on an issue on hackclub/high-seas
Wait, I didn't have to open the issue it was opened by mistake! It will be opened after confirmation or I think it is maybe a device issue.
Gitstar-OC closed an issue on hackclub/high-seas
bug: Switching to any region then back 7 seas crashes app
If you select a region in the shop, Eg. EU then switch back to all the 7 seas the application crashes. **Error Message** ```ts 277-a53502bee94c80ca.js:19 NotFoundError: Failed to execute 'removeCh...Gitstar-OC created a comment on an issue on hackclub/high-seas
Oh, It does not look like a problem on my device @BudzioT could you cross check it ?
Gitstar-OC reopened an issue on hackclub/high-seas
bug: Switching to any region then back 7 seas crashes app
If you select a region in the shop, Eg. EU then switch back to all the 7 seas the application crashes. **Error Message** ```ts 277-a53502bee94c80ca.js:19 NotFoundError: Failed to execute 'removeCh...Gitstar-OC pushed 2 commits to probability Gitstar-OC/Mindect
Gitstar-OC closed a pull request on Gitstar-OC/Mindect
Update katex 0.16.18 → 0.16.19 (minor)
Here is everything you need to know about this update. Please take a good look at what changed and the test results before merging this pull request. ### What changed? #### ✳️ katex (0.16...Gitstar-OC created a review on a pull request on hackclub/high-seas
Hey update the commit after running `npx prettier run --write .`
Gitstar-OC created a comment on an issue on hackclub/high-seas
Nope it is working fine from my side, and no logs can be found. Closing it as of now. Please upload a video or add more info. Try clearing cache and cookies too.
Gitstar-OC closed an issue on hackclub/high-seas
bug: Switching to any region then back 7 seas crashes app
If you select a region in the shop, Eg. EU then switch back to all the 7 seas the application crashes. **Error Message** ```ts 277-a53502bee94c80ca.js:19 NotFoundError: Failed to execute 'removeCh...Gitstar-OC pushed 3 commits to main Gitstar-OC/Get-Mail
Gitstar-OC pushed 1 commit to main Hackclub-OC/Get-Mail
- Added code in every block and now the web app is complete 74a1653
Gitstar-OC pushed 1 commit to main Hackclub-OC/Get-Mail
- Updated code by adding tabs and showing the client and server side code 40f95ea