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Gabriele73 closed a pull request on hackclub/hackaccino
Add FrameIt project
## Author name **Author:** Gabriele <!-- A name or nickname that you want to appear as the author of the website --> ## Live Website Link **Link:** created a comment on a pull request on hackclub/hackaccino
Like. turning math formulas into 3d objects?
Gabriele73 opened a pull request on hackclub/hackaccino
Add FrameIt project
# Hey there! Here is your checklist for your Hackaccino submission: > If you're participating in an **offline** Hackaccino workshop, you don't need to make a pull request. Please ask the organiz...Gabriele73 pushed 1 commit to main Gabriele73/FrameIt
- Update and rename test.html to index.html 849cbe9
Gabriele73 created a comment on a pull request on hackclub/dns
Seems like workflow isn't running, is that normal behavior?
Gabriele73 created a comment on a pull request on hackclub/dns
Thanks for the help, really appreciate it.
Gabriele73 created a comment on a pull request on hackclub/dns
Referring to this pull request in the past: As we're also based in Italy, I thought it was allowed. Let me know if I'm wrong, please.
Gabriele73 created a comment on a pull request on hackclub/dns
My bad, I thought it was possible judging by the existence of ****. Our club aims to open its arms to anyone who would like to join all over Italy, by Digital meetings and/or cha...
Gabriele73 created a comment on a pull request on hackclub/dns
Updated pull request fork to include latest commit.
Gabriele73 pushed 2 commits to main Gabriele73/hackclubdns
Gabriele73 opened a pull request on hackclub/dns
Adds DNS for newly created club, Italia, based in sicily. Website is work in progress. adds club subdomain ( that points to (ipv4)Gabriele73 pushed 1 commit to main Gabriele73/hackclubdns
- Update add club subdomain ( that points to (ipv4) 50b6721